标题: 透過發射功率調整以改善無線網路定位的準確度
An Improvement of Positioning Accuracy for Outdoor Wireless Network with Power Control
作者: 黃騰誼
Teng-Yi Huang
Rong-Hong Jan
关键字: 無線網路;定位;準確度;發射功率;wireless network;accuracy;power control;positioning;cell id
公开日期: 2001
摘要: 近幾年來由於無線網路的普及以及對於位置相關應用例如E911的蓬勃發展,然而對於定位系統的準確性以及速度上的要求也越來越受重視。目前有許多定位的科技與系統,主要的解決方案可分為三種:用戶為主的定位方法,例如全球定位系統(GPS)、網路為主的定位方法,例如利用與基地台間信號傳遞的時間差(TDOA)和軟體為主的定位方法,例如微細胞識別碼定位(E-CID)。其中以軟體為主的解決方案最為簡單而且所需增加的花費也最少。本篇論文針對軟體為主的定位方法,提出一個計算此一定位系統準確性的演算法,並藉由調整每一基地台的功率,來改善定位的準確性。藉由模擬所得的數據以幫助系統業者對於基地台的功率調校,以期獲得最佳定位的準確性。
Location-based services have been a hot topic for several years. Lots of technologies are addressed in recent years. There are three kinds of solutions for positioning: handset-based, network-based, and software-based solutions. We choose software-based solution to determine user’s location because it is low-cost and simple for network operators or users. In the thesis, we proposed a method to evaluate the accuracy for software-based positioning by calculating the area of segment. Furthermore, we could adjust the power range of base stations in order to improve the accuracy in positioning.