標題: 鐵路捷運系統對家戶運具/路線選擇、居住分佈與環境影響之研究
The Effects of Rail Transit System on Households’ Mode/route Choices, Residential-rent Distribution and Environmental Impacts
作者: 郭淑娉
Guo Shwu-Ping
Hsu Chaug-Ing
關鍵字: mode and route choice;residential-rent distribution;rail transit system;benefit analysis;transportation external cost pricing
公開日期: 2001
摘要: There exist interactions among transportation, residential land use and environment systems. Namely, transportation improvement will increase the accessibility of urban area served by new transportation systems. Travelers will thus change their mode/route choices and travel patterns due to changes in accessibility. Moreover, the extension of urban transportation networks will further stimulate the development of new land-uses and new travel demands. Accordingly, the two actions mentioned above play important roles on the interaction between the transportation system and the land-use system. In the aspect of interactions between transportation and environmental impacts, transportation supply, which stimulates land uses and urban developments, also creates air pollution, noise and traffic congestion, and then deteriorates environmental quality. However, transportation externalities such as congestion, air pollution and noise, which are induced by the increasing usage of automobiles are unsettled, and eventuate in social costs and impair public health. To fulfill the social justice and to sustain social welfare, it is appropriate to determine the prices of transportation externalities and to charge road users. The pricing of transportation external costs, which are incorporated into individual households' transportation costs, is treated as the linkage between transportation and environmental impacts in this research. Based on the considerations mentioned above, this research from a viewpoint of long-term planning applies a continuum approximation method to represent surface streets as continuous networks and rail transit network as discrete one. Static and deterministic models by applying a mathematical programming method is proposed to explore relationships among travelers' mode/route choices, residential site choices and environment system by taking into account several critical variables. Five issues are discussed in this research, that is, (1) integrated mode and route choices, (2) transportation v.s land-use, (3) transportation v.s environmental impacts, (4) transportation external cost pricing, and (5) fare variations of rail transit system. For the first issue of this research, an integrated mode and route choice model incorporating travelers' transfer behavior between surface streets and rail transit lines is constructed to analyze the commuters’ mode and route choice decisions from each residential site to the workplace. For the second issue of this research, the households’ mode choices and residential distribution model in a metropolitan area with surface streets and rail transit networks is formulated to analyze patronage to each transit station, households' mode choices and residential rent distribution. The model is formulated to minimize the sum of households' generalized travel costs and rent costs under user equilibrium by incorporating flow congestion effects and different income households' bid-rent effects. Heterogeneity among residential sites and households is also considered to alleviate aggregation bias. For the third issue of this research, an air pollution diffusion equation and a noise propagation equation are applied to formulate the models of air pollution and noise distributions in the study area. Based on the results of above models, the quantitative benefits of rail transit system are further analyzed in terms of social-economic impacts, environmental impacts and urban development. For the fourth and fifth issues of this research, a households' mode/route choice model with considering transportation external cost pricing or transit fare reductions is constructed to analyze their influences on households' mode/route choices, patronage of rail transit lines and the benefit of decreased congestion, air pollution and noise. The total transportation cost therein includes the generalized travel cost and cost burdens of transportation externality taxes, which are measured by applying the theory of marginal-cost pricing. Finally, the Taipei metropolitan area with surface streets and rail transit lines is adopted to illustrate the application of the models constructed in this research.