Title: 鎖相迴路內建頻率飄移測量電路之研究
On-Chip Jitter Measurement for Phase-Locked Loops
Authors: 蔡進成
Chin-Cheng Tsai
Prof. Chung-Len Lee
Keywords: 測試電路;週期變動量
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 鎖相迴路目前被廣泛地運用於許多高速電子系統中,可當時脈調整器,亦可當頻率同步器。輸出週期變動量對於鎖相迴路是一個非常重要的效能指標,它是輸出訊號與理想訊號時間差的變動,有可能領先,也有可能落後。過大的變動量在通訊系統中,可能造成資料的流失,在微處理機系統中,可能造成計算上的錯誤。關於輸出週期變動量測量問題,需要一個準確度高達微微秒的測試機器,才能求得較為準確的值,但是卻提高了測試成本。吾人則提出利用一簡單設計,內建於測試電路中,將時間差轉換成數位訊號,並由一連串的數位資料求得輸出週期變動量,如此由一般的邏輯測試機器就可以達到測量目的,大大地降低測試成本。未來在單晶片系統中亦可使用此內建電路設計量測輸出週期變動量。
Phase-Locked Loops (PLL) are used in many high-speed electronic systems. It can be employed as the clock recovery and the frequency synthesizer. Jitter is an important parameter in Phase-Locked Loops specifications. It can be defined as the deviations in a clock output transition from their ideal position. The deviation can either be leading or lagging the ideal position. In a communication system, a larger jitter affects data correctness. And in a microprocessor system, a larger jitter results in wrong computation. For the jitter measurement, we need a high-resolution (pico-second) instrument in the Automation Test Equipment (ATE) to acquire more accurate values. In the thesis, we propose a simple, built in the circuit under test, design to transfer timing difference to the digital signal. Jitter values are obtained from several digital words. As a result, a general logic ATE can do the jitter measurement and the cost of test can be reduced. This design can also be used in an SOC design to measure jitter.
Appears in Collections:Thesis