Title: 氮化鋁鎵表面缺陷之光性和原子力顯微鏡影像特性研究
The Optical and AFM Image Characteristics of AlGaN Surface Defects
Authors: 唐乃恩
Nai-En Tang
Dr. Ming-Chih Lee
Keywords: 原子力顯微鏡;掃描電位顯微鏡;微米光激發光譜;氮化鋁鎵
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 在本論文中,我們利用原子力顯微鏡(AFM),掃描電位顯微鏡(SKM)以及微米光激發光譜(micro-PL)等方法,研究氮化鋁鎵薄膜的表面缺陷。其中原子力顯微鏡掃描出六角形的凹洞結構,其寬度大約為1μm,深度為300nm,剖面圖為V字形,為一般所通稱之V-defect。藉掃描電位顯微鏡,發現在凹洞中的表面電位比周圍平坦區域的表面電位低了約0.2V,推測是在凹洞區域產生了類受子形式的缺陷能帶。最後再利用微米光激發光譜量測六角形凹洞處的光譜,發現在凹洞處多了與缺陷相關的譜峰,其發光能量比近能隙發光能量低了0.1eV,我們認為此一譜峰為凹洞所導致的缺陷能帶所產生。
The optical and AFM image characteristics of AlGaN surface defects were characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning Kelvin microscopy (SKM) and micro-photoluminescence (micro-PL). The AFM image of the surface defects shows an open hexagonal inverted pyramid on the (0001) plane, the so-called “V-defect”, with walls formed by {10-11} planes. The depth of the V-defect is about 300nm and the width is about 1μm. The SKM image revealed that the surface potential of the V-defect is ~0.2V lower than that of the flat region. We suggested that there are acceptor like defect band in the V-defect. The micro–PL revealed that there are extra peak in the V-defect, which energy is 0.1eV lower than the NBE energy. We suggested the origin of the extra peak is the defect band induced by V-defect.
Appears in Collections:Thesis