標題: 分碼多工多使用者偵測方法的改良
Modified CDMA Multiuser Detection
作者: 陳政謙
Zheng Qian Chen
Shin-Fu Hsieh
關鍵字: 分碼多工;多使用者偵測;CDMA;Multiuser Detection
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 直接序號的分碼多工是分碼多工這個領域最熱門的無線通訊技術,在直接序號的分碼多工通訊系統裡,每個使用者所使用的傳輸信號再同一個時間同一個頻率上重疊在一起,彼此照成了相互間的干擾。
Direct-Sequence Code-Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) is a most popular wireless technology in CDMA communication, and all of the users' signals overlap in time and frequency and cause mutual interferences.
We use the MMSE detection to overcome the interferences, but when users change frequently, we review and use the group concept to avoid calculating large matrices inverses. We review the Group Successive Interference Cancellation (GSIC) group detection concept which detects each group one by one, and use the SIC scheme to cancel intergroup’s interferences, and we develop Group Parallel Interference Cancellation (GPIC) and Group Iterative Successive Interference Cancellation (GISIC) methods. In GPIC, we detect each group at once, and cancel intergroup’s interferences by using the PIC scheme. In GISIC, we modify two stages GSIC and make the second stage to have reverse detection direction. Besides that, we modify the MMSE group detection function by considering the intergroup’s interferences. Finally, we compare the performances of those detectors in computer simulation.