Title: 發電工程計畫執行關鍵成功因素之探討
A Study of the Key Success Factors in Implementing Power Plant Construction Projects
Authors: 范誠均
Cheng-Chun Fan
Pao-Long Chang
Keywords: 關鍵成功因素;key success factros
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 鑑於世界電業逐步解除管制,自由化與民營化成為未來電業經營的潮流,開放民間興建發電廠,不僅有助於紓解電力供應吃緊的窘境,且可透過競爭,降低系統發電成本。隨著政府開放發電業,不同公司型態群組的發電工程單位(公營與民營),呈現截然不同的組織型態,而不同工程經營方式群組(傳統方式與統包方式),對於執行發電廠建廠工程,亦有不同運作重點。因此,如何在本身資源受限下,辨識發電工程計畫執行上的關鍵成功因素,掌握管理重點,並將有限的資源投入於關鍵成功因素上,實為促使發電工程計畫執行成功的重要課題。
The electricity power industry has gradually been deregulated worldwide, thus the future trend in the electricity industry is liberalization and privatization. Opening for public to build power plants can relieve the critical situation of power supply shortage, reduce the cost of power generating by competition. The deregulation of the power generation industry results in various operating strategies in different organizations. Among which, the power plant construction units in the two different enterprises (the government-owned and the privately-owed) show significant difference in organization styles. On the other hand, the two different construction systems (the traditional and the turnkey) have different ways in building power plants. With the limited resources available, identifying key success factors in the implementation of organizations responsible for building power plants is critical to the success of power plant construction projects.
The purpose of this study is to identify the key success factors in implementing power plant construction projects. The approach to the key success factors is as follows: the variables to the success in the power plant construction projects were derived from the theory of the internal and external environment analysis and the current practical operating situation. The key success factors were then found by simplifying these variables using factor analysis. Six key success factors in implementing power plant construction projects were identified: (1) the capabilities of information management; (2) the capabilities to tighten up the organization management; (3) the capabilities of construction operation management; (4) the capabilities to control the external resources; (5) the capabilities of pre-operation management; (6) the comprehension of the legal system. This report also investigated how different power plant constructing organizations operate in regard to these factors by empirically studying two kinds of power plant constructing groups: the enterprises, and the construction systems. It was found that the understating of the legal system in the two enterprises, the government-owned and the privately-owed, are significantly different. However, the two different construction systems, the traditional and the turnkey, show considerable variances in two factors: information management and preparation procedures.
Four suggestions are made to improve implementation in the power plant construction units in the state-owned enterprise: (1) transmitting experiences to continue the superiority in competition; (2) accessing updated information to quickly react to any situations; (3) reconstructing the organizations to face the competitions; (4) training personnel to improve the efficiency of management. Three suggestions are made to the privately-owned power plant construction units: (1) importing foreign labor and providing full guidance and counseling services for these labor; (2) promoting talent to enhance the engineering professional capabilities; (3) promptly communicating with the communities to maintain a good relationship.
Key word:Key Success Factors
Appears in Collections:Thesis