標題: 台灣消防人力系統中消防分隊長之代謝現象
The Metabolism of Fire Captains Fire Department in the Taiwan
作者: 林宜君
Yi-Chun Lin
Yi-Chun Lin
Chyan Yang
關鍵字: 消防組織系統;新陳代謝;任用政策分析;人力流動更替;救災效能;Fire Department;Metabolism;Employment Policy Analyssis;Manpower Turnover;Fire Capability
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 消防組織自從民國八十四年起脫離警察組織後,各縣市消防局陸續獨立成為一個專責機構後,消防機關人員數量逐漸增加,人口組成之素質屬性亦愈來愈複雜分歧。雖然許多新制度的施行未臻成熟,值此起步階段,管理者如何妥善規劃及有效運用消防人力,對消防機關的主政者來說是一大挑戰。消防任務執行績效常為問政的指標之一,而分隊長為執行消防任務的第一線滅火救災現場指揮官,其火場狀況判斷力與專業救災執行力更直接影響消防人力效能,本研究針對消防人力系統現存問題核心,藉由問卷訪談方式來瞭解當前分隊長人力效能等級,分析分隊長人力組成結構的演變狀況,來推估當前分隊長的代謝現象及找出干擾因素所在,進而推論消防人力系統之演變趨勢。 研究結果發現消防人力系統未來可能產生「進多退少」之代謝不良結果,將造成中層級消防官難以接替之隱憂,使得消防官人力衰微。因應組織變革消防工作量倍增,管理者在作分隊長人力資源管理時,應建立完整的教育體制,使消防人力來源多元化且供給不虞匱乏,並應提升人力素質,以增加人力效能,有必要重新考量我國消防組織各階層最大服務年限與晉升(任)條件,建議適時修訂我國消防人員退休輔導與人事升遷制度,俾助於未來我國消防機關作人力規劃策略時,能避免基層人力不足、中層級消防官斷層及高層級指揮官擁塞的後遺症,以暢通人事升遷管道,提升消防組織活力。
Since the fire department was separated from the police organization in 1995, all county (city) fire bureaus have consecutively turned to the specific authorities of fire responsibility. The number of firemen has been increasing with the attribution of population composition becoming more complicated and diversified. Under the circumstance that many new systems have not yet been maturely performed so far, the problems of how the administrators to well plan and effectively use fire manpower becomes a great challenge to the governor of the fire authority. This research is to detect the fundamental mechanism that affects the flow of fire manpower through studying the metabolic speed of fire organizations and analyzing the quality and quantity of the fire manpower structure. This research also employs the changes of the seniority and age, two attributions of the indexes of fire captains’ manpower used in domestic and foreign countries, to assess the metabolic speed of fire department so as to estimate the optimum value of metabolic speed and the interference factors. Apart from analyzing and evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of different manpower employment strategies of the existing fire department. From the simulation, it is found that the poor metabolized employment policy due to “too many ins and too few outs” is liable to constitute a fault of middle-ranking officers causing the decay of such level officers. This research suggests that it is essential to re-design the policy by taking the fireman’s career into consideration enabling the officers who intend to seek development in the fire organization to deem it a life job. The re-design will be helpful for fire authority to plan human resource in future to avoid the after effects such as insufficient fundamental manpower, emptiness of middle-ranking officers and jam of high-ranking officers. This will also be helpful to maintain the strength of fire officers and smooth the promotion channel whereby heightening the vitality of fire department.