Title: 以RFID為輔助之監控系統設計
RFID-Auxiliary Monitoring System Design
Authors: 簡銘祺
Chien, Ming-Chi
Liaw, Der-Cherng
Keywords: 自動辨識;射頻辨識;監控系統;Auto-ID;RFID;Monitoring system
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: RFID近年來被廣泛的使用,無論是在學術界或是產業界,例如:美國的百貨零售業龍頭Wal-Mart公司要求其前100大供應商在2005年起導入RFID系統,另外,美國國防部也宣佈自2005年起供應美軍物資的廠商需使用RFID。有鑑於RFID的優點與特性,我們以RFID為輔助設計電子式自動監控系統,除了可以節省人力外,還可以透過中央伺服器紀錄以及監控終端主機作為系統決策之用。本論文主要完成RFID Transponder、Reader產品與RFID相關安全性之技術資料蒐集與整理,並進行EPC編碼資料之整理與格式之探討以及蒐集國內外RFID製造商資料,除此之外,也利用既有的TCP/IP通訊協定配合自行規劃的middleware 平台規格建構RFID小型門禁系統測試平台與RFID圖書管理系統。最後,並成功進行整合平台的測試。至於RFID在可追蹤性系統的應用上,則以一實際室內循環水養殖系統為例,探討其可行性與設計。本論文提出以RFID為輔助之監控系統的系統架構並建構系統雛型,以評估及驗證其可行性,期能提供整合RFID之監控系統的應用參考與設計依據。
Recently, the study of radio frequency identification (RFID) in commercial applications has attracted much attention. For example, Wal-Mart demanded that the top 100 suppliers utilize the RFID system since 2005. Besides, U.S. DOD declared that the factories providing goods and material to the army have to use RFID technique. In accordance with the advantages and properties of RFID, a RFID-auxiliary electronic automatic monitoring system is designed and implemented. Not only can it reduce manpower, but also make system decisions through the records of central server and monitoring terminal PC. In this thesis, the technical data of RFID systems are first collected and analyzed. The data and formats of EPC coding are also discussed and categorized. Furthermore, a RFID-based gate monitoring system and a RFID-based library management system are implemented through TCP/IP and self-designed middleware specification. In order to evaluate the feasibility of RFID-Based tracking systems, a superintensive circulating water culture system is demonstrated for an example. In conclusion, the main results of this thesis will be expected to provide the application reference and design rules of RFID-Based monitoring systems.
Appears in Collections:Thesis