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dc.contributor.authorChin-Huang Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorCharng-Horng Hsiehen_US
dc.contributor.authorTseng-Chuan Tsengen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣IC製造業發展至今,在全球性地位的重要性與日遽增,為繼續維持全球性競爭力,當前及未來所面對的情勢與挑戰有兩大主要課題:一方面要設法在國內持續開發先進製程技術及新產品;另一方面則設法將已成熟的製程技術移植至接近潛在市場地區設廠。面對上述兩大挑戰,為能研擬出有效的因應策略,必須以過往發展經驗的精華為基礎,而發展經驗的精華係存在於過往數十年發展的事例之中;因此,萃取可協助業者及政府,來研擬可因應上述兩大挑戰性課題之有效策略的發展經驗,至為重要。 台灣IC製造業在以往數十年有關於技術、市場、資金三要素在發展過程中,所扮演的角色與所發揮的作用,應該是台灣IC產業發展經驗的精華。而本研究所探討的問題,係屬系統性、動態性的問題,因此藉由綜合彙整縱斷面發展過程的階段劃分及橫斷面三要素在各階段所扮演的角色與所發揮的作用,本研究得到的各階段發展特點分別為:摸索試驗階段係培植產業發展條件俟機突破;基礎建立階段係由下游技術要素,引導產業政策的方向;全面發展階段係引進外來技術並結合週邊的市場要素優勢,逐漸建構完整的產業結構;分業形成階段係由技術要素牽動市場要素,使得產業價值鏈的分工更完整;國際要角展露階段係在三要素的良性互動下,使得產業的國際地位及影響力遽增,未來發展的關鍵更需三要素的充分配合。 綜合三要素的特點對未來發展動向加以推論,可預見的是:□Foundry的發展變數較低,是業者可以優先考慮的經營方向。□DRAM的發展與美、日、韓的發展策略息息相關,業者必須密切掌握其發展動向,以適時做調整。□IDM在缺乏技術要素與市場要素的奧援下,未來非台灣利基之所在,逐漸改變經營型態是可能的發展結果。□面對未來的兩大挑戰,結合國內外技術、市場、資金等三要素的優勢,及早做好全球化佈局,以三要素良性互動建構核心的競爭優勢,必然為新發展階段的策略思考方向。 關鍵詞:IC、IC製造業、發展過程、技術要素、市場要素、資金要素 Ⅰzh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe IC manufacturing in Taiwan has developed becoming a very important role globally until today. In order to maintain the global competitive strength from the current and future situation and meet the challenges, there are two major issues to deal with: in one hand to continue developing advance manufacturing process technology and new products domestically, on the other hand to try relocating matured manufacturing processes to near by potential market. In order to meet the above challenges and propose effective strategy, it is necessary to base on essences of past developing experiences, which contented in the past few decades cases. Hence, these essences are important in helping the business operators and government to define effective strategy in responding to the above-mentioned challenges. The role and effects that technology, market, and capital factors played, are the essences in Taiwan IC industry in the past few decades developing experiences. Questions discussed in this research are systematic and dynamic. Therefore, through integrating the vertical developing stages and the roles and effects these three factors played in the horizontal aspect, this research had found results of respective stage's developing characters: exploring stage is cultivating all developing requirements and waiting for the opportunity; the base-establishing stage is led by the down-stream industry to direct industry policy; the total-developing stage is to introduce external technology to combine with peripheral market factor to build a solid industrial structure; the spin-off stage is evoked by technology factor leading the market factor to enable the industry value chain developed into a full span of divisions of labors. In order to be competitive in the international market takes these three factors interacted positively, to enhance the industry international position and influences. The key of future developments needs closer cooperation among these three factors. To reason future development from the above three factors, the conclusions are: (1) Foundry is the business operators' earlier priority to consider foundry operation, since factors influencing foundry to change are not too many; (2) the business operators need to pay special attention to the DRAM development and make proper adjustments, since DRAM's developing closely related to US, Japan and Korea's developing strategy; (3) due to lacking support of technology and market factors, IDM would not be niche for Taiwan. Hence, gradual changing operation is a possible developing result; and (4) to integrate strengths of domestic and international technology, market and capital factors are to be ready for globalization to meet future challenges. To have these three factors positively interacted to construct as the core competitive strength will be the strategic thinking strategy for the new developing stage. Key Words: IC, IC manufacturing, developing process, technology factor, market factor, capital factoren_US
dc.subjectIC manufacturingen_US
dc.subjectdeveloping processen_US
dc.subjecttechnology factoren_US
dc.subjectmarket factoren_US
dc.subjectcapital factoren_US
dc.titleA Study on the Characteristics Presented in Technological, Market and Capital Factors in the Development Process of Taiwan's IC Industryen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis