標題: 中正機場行李轉盤減噪之設計
Noise Reduction Design on Bag Carousel for CKS Airport
作者: 陳儀峰
Yi-feng Chen
Chinghua Hung
關鍵字: 行李轉盤;減噪設計;機械設計;品質機能展開;bag carousel;noise reduction design;mechanical engineering design;QFD
公開日期: 2001
摘要:   位於中正國際機場第一航廈入境處的行李取提轉盤,供旅客入境時提取代運之行李,由於各組件間之配置不良,使得行李從輸送帶末端落至行李轉盤上時,會發出撞擊聲響,且易造成行李損壞,對於旅客而言,這是不允許發生之事情,因此著手進行機構改良設計,以期能達到減少噪音及減少行李損壞之要求。 本研究將循機械設計步驟,從文獻搜尋著手,依次利用品質機能展開方法轉換顧客需求及工程需求間之關係,然後從工程需求間之相對重要性,建立產品之主要功能,開始進行改良機構之概念設計,並輔以創新解題理論,解決設計目標間的衝突,最後將評估可行之概念設計進行實驗,驗証改良設計之進步性。
Baggage suffers bumping and damage when it noisily drops from the conveyers onto bag carousels at the delivery side of the first terminal of the CKS International Airport, because of improper arrangements and designs of the carousels. This situation is unacceptable to airport passengers. Accordingly, this research focuses on solving these problems of noise and damage using the mechanical systematic design process. First, literature on bag carousels was reviewed. The QFD technique was applied to clarify the relationship between customer requirements and engineering requirements. The primary function of a suitable design was determined. Conceptual designs were then developed by brainstorming and TRIZ methods. Finally, based on techniques of concept evaluation, experiments were conducted and improvements of the new designs were verified.