Title: 使用含界面活性劑之冷媒R134a於逆流層析儀萃取親水性物質
Application of Surfactant-Containing Refrigerant R134a to Extract Hydrophilic Compounds in Countercurrent Chromatography
Authors: 韓淳如
Chun-Ju Han
Tiing Yu
Keywords: 逆流層析;反微胞;冷媒R134a;親水性物質;countercurrent chromatography;reversed micelles;1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane;Hydrophilic Compound
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究嘗試將含界面活性劑之冷媒R134a(1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane)應用於高速逆流層析儀(High Speed Countercurrent Chromatography)萃取親水性物質,以冷媒R134a取代反微胞萃取法中所使用的有機溶劑,主要是因液態R134a在常溫常壓下為氣體,可與萃取物直接分離,無須額外的濃縮步驟;而高速逆流層析儀提供萃取液R134a與水樣品之間充分的混和,提高萃取效益。在克服高速逆流層析管柱末端壓力降的問題之下,我們以含陽離子型界面活性劑TOMAC(1,1,1,2-trioctylmethylammonium chloride)的液態R134a作為動相,成功的萃取水溶液中的甲基橙,並可直接在管柱末端由R134a釋放,收集濃縮於小量的收集液中。在動相為含2%陽離子界面活性劑TOMAC的17bar R134a萃取甲基橙水溶液時,回收率估計約為80%。由於逆流層析儀管柱耐壓的問題,無法繼續提高壓力,使得目前的儀器系統無法萃取蛋白質。
We try to use surfactant-containing refrigerant R134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoro-ethane) to extract hydrophilic matters in High-Speed Countercurrent Chromatography (HSCCC) in this study. Because R134a can separate with extracts without any
concentration after degassing under ambient condition , it is here in use to replace organic solvent in reversed micelle extraction. Complete mixture of R134a and aqueous solution in HSCCC enhaces extraction efficiency. After pressure decreasing at the end of column in HSCCC is overcome, we extract methyl orange from aqueous solution successfully with liquid R134a containing cationic surfactant, trioctylmethylammonium chloride(TOMAC), and concentrate it in small volume of collecting liquid after releasing R134a at the end of column. When using R134a under prsssure,17bar, containing TOMAC which volume concentration is 2% to extract methyl orange from aqueous solution, recovery is estimated to be 80% .We cannot extract proteins in this apparatus due to the deficiency of prssure endurance of column in HSCCC.
Appears in Collections:Thesis