標題: 家電產品使用後評估-以電冰箱為例
Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Appliance– A Case Study of the Electronic Refrigerator
作者: 李觀耀
Kuan-Yao Lee
Ming-Chen Chuang
關鍵字: 使用後評估;電冰箱設計;家電產品;使用者;設計意圖;設計鴻溝;post-occupancy evaluation;refrigerator design;electrical appliance;user behavior;design intention;design gap
公開日期: 2001
摘要:   使用後評估(post-occupancy evaluation,簡稱POE)一詞原先出現在建築領域及環境行為研究,主要作為人住進建築物後的行為反應與行為模式之評估。本研究將藉由POE了解在產品設計上,使用者與設計師想法之間的差異,及產品在使用後有那些改變、使用者可能誤用行為及新的行為模式等。 本研究共分成兩個部分。第一部分為研究核心-POE調查,以聲寶公司推出的智慧型遠端留言冰箱(SR-475TRV)為主要研究案例,首先訪談聲寶的企劃與設計部門,獲得留言冰箱(包含先前機種)的企劃書、設計圖、說明書、型錄等相關設計規劃資料,依據這些資料製作留言冰箱的POE評估表與調查問卷。對7個留言冰箱家庭和5個無留言面板冰箱(先前機種,SR-585TDV)家庭,進行深入訪談與實地觀察,探討此兩型冰箱的企劃與設計理念,是否使用者能有所體認,並充分應用,以獲得很大的效益,亦或是使用者會採取那些改變,以適應各自的使用習慣。在第二部分將配合電冰箱的POE調查,以問卷型式,共發出115份問卷,進行台灣西部地區電冰箱的使用調查。透過廣泛的電冰箱使用行為調查,以期對台灣地區電冰箱使用現況與需求有廣泛的了解,並對飲食生活起居情形,作概略性的探討。 研究發現,在企劃部分,聲寶商企部對於留言冰箱所設定的目標族群、行銷策略,與實際上留言冰箱的使用者有差距。研究建議,聲寶商企部在留言冰箱的目標族群之設定上,應側重在專職家庭主婦的生活型態;另外應加強液晶面板與留言冰箱之造形色彩特色的行銷策略,讓留言冰箱更能吸引消費者目光與購買意願。在留言冰箱創新功能的使用上,受訪者的接受程度各為參半。在留言(遠端與近端)的數量與時間上,應再予以增加及延長,或者讓使用者自行擴充記體容量;而受訪者常用的功能如溫度顯示、溫度設定、留言使用、省電設定等,應設計快捷鍵,讓使用者可隨時在液晶面板上操作;有關個人差異化的功能如音樂選擇、音量調整,應在變化的自由度上做調整,讓多數使用者可以依其需要來運用。在留言冰箱一般功能的使用上,對於冰箱內部空間的使用,在主使用者使用的區域(如冷藏室棚架的第一、二層),應再隔成幾個空間,讓不同種類的食物,能夠有適當的分類。在每一層的門擋欄,可局部切分成幾個小空間(或者可加上蓋子),讓使用者可直接把小包醬料、塑膠袋等,分門別類放在各個小空間。另外研究建議聲寶公司可推出幾種不同樣式的隔層架(盒),例如飲料架、蛋架、醬料架、製冰盒等,讓使用者依其需要來選購、裝設。值得一提的是留言冰箱創新的液晶面板造形,使得多數消費者因它而購買,顯見外形色彩在消費者的第一印象佔了極大的份量,也代表聲寶公司在這部分做得很成功。 在一般電冰箱使用的廣泛問卷調查發現,消費者在購買新冰箱時,會以原有冰箱壞掉或更換較大容量作為優先考慮,至於贈獎活動、家庭人數、價格合理、搭配家中裝潢及新冰箱的創新功能等,對於消費者購買冰箱考量的影響較小。在電冰箱的設計部分,設計者可從內部空間格局的規劃上,進一步再作考量,讓使用者無論在心理上與實際的使用上,都能覺得冰箱內部存放食物的空間很大。另外在隔層規劃、冰箱內部清洗、冰箱功能取捨等問題上,設計者應再作深入的實驗與研究。 最後,本研究經由觀察訪談調查結果,比較建築與工業設計POE的不同,並且建立適合工業產品的POE操作模型以及相關的注意事項,供家電業者與學術研究作為參考與應用。
Post-occupancy evaluation (POE) is originally implemented in the fields of architecture and environmental behavior study. Its purpose is to assess the behavior and reaction model of the people after they have resided into a building for a time span. By adopting the research of POE, this study will seek for the difference between users’ and designers’ mental models on using products, and what kinds of adaptations, misuses, and new behavior models to the products will appear in the usage of products. This study divided into two phases. The first phase is the core of this POE investigation. We used the tele-message refrigerator (model no. SR-475TRV) by Sampo corporation as the target product of case study. In the beginning, we obtained the design features, design plan, design drawings, instruction manual, and catalog of this product by interviewing the related persons in the departments of the merchandise planning and industrial design of Sampo. According to the data, we prepared the interview guide for the users of this product. We then conducted in-depth interview and practical observation to seven families currently using this tele-message refrigerator and five families using refrigerator of the same type but without message taking function (model no. SR-585TDV) to probe whether the users could really perceive, use adequately, and gain benefit from the planning and design intention of the two types refrigerators. It was also aimed to find what kinds of changes would be adopted by users to accommodate for their respective using habits. In the second phase of this will study, we send out 115 questionnaires to investigate the usage of refrigerator in Taiwan. By this extensive investigation, we expected to generally understand the circumstance and demand of using refrigerator in Taiwan. The result of the research revealed that the actual users of this refrigerator (represented by the 12 interviewed families) are different with what the Sampo merchandise planning department target for. We suggest that the department of Sampo merchandise planning ought to lay special emphasis on the study of life style of the full-time housewife. Furthermore, they should improve its marketing strategy by highlighting the special features of message taking LCD panel and sleek appearance of this refrigerator to attract consumers’ attention and enhance their purchase desire. With respect to the innovative functions of this message refrigerator, half of the interviewees recognized it. It was responded that the number and length of recorded message should be increased or expanded by adding extra memory capacity. The frequently used functions, such as temperature display, temperature setting, message play/record, and energy economized, should be designed with hot keys on LCD panel to let users operate quickly. Regarding the functions with individual preference like music selection, volume adjustment, they should be allowed users to adjust by themselves. For the space layout of the refrigerator, the space of usually used by principal users (the first or second layer of the cold storage space) should divide into several little space to appropriately classify different kinds of food. Moreover, hurdle of each layer inside the door should be divided into several sub-spaces (or add some covers) for directly and systematically arranging the packed sauces and plastics bags into each space. In addition, we recommended that Sampo should issue several optional shelves (containers), such as beverage case, egg case, sauce case, and ice tray, for users to accommodate their specific demands. It deserves to mention that it is the form that attracts most of the interviewees to purchase this refrigerator. It reveals that the first impression on the shape and color of a product is significant in affecting people’s decision and Sampo has accomplished a successful design in this aspect. The result of questionnaire survey of general refrigerators showed that consumers purchase new refrigerator mostly because of their former refrigerator having damaged or their desire to replace a refrigerator with bigger capacity to old one, scarcely because of factors of sale promoting activity, expanding family size, cheep price, home remodeling, and innovative functions, etc. The designers should pay more attention to the inner layout of refrigerator to provide roomy space mentality or actuality. Besides, there are some issues about layer planning, inner cleaning, and essential function selection, designers ought to further investigate. Finally, from this study we compared the difference between Architecture and Industrial design in conducting POE study. Then we established the POE process for industrial design. These model and guideline can be referred and applied by the industry of electrical appliance and academy for further research.