標題: 文字動畫中動態韻律與音樂節奏的搭配對記憶性之影響
The kinetic congruency between visual and musical rhythms and its effect on memory performance
作者: 黃正和
Cheng-ho, Huang
I-Ping Chen
關鍵字: 文字動畫;共感覺;視聽互動;記憶性;韻律節奏;視聽媒體;Kinetic typography;Synchresis;Interaction;Memory;Rhythm;Vision-audio media
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 視覺與聽覺一直都是人類重要的感覺器官,而且在知覺層次上兩者之間具有許多相互聯絡、交互影響的例子。在今日,許多媒體皆經由整合視聽官能的方式來傳播訊息,然而只要將視覺與聽覺互相整合就真的可以產生良好傳播效果嗎?還是視、聽訊息同時必須滿足一些條件才能製造最強烈的印象?因此本研究的目的即為針對文字動畫媒體,從視、聽共感覺與互動性的角度,探討其中動態韻律與音樂節奏的搭配對於記憶效果的影響。
Vision and audition are the two most important senses for humans. There are many lines of evidence showing that there are intricate interactions between vision and audition. In the media world, it has become more and more common to integrate visual and audio modalities to achieve better communication. Good communication efficiency is certainly not warranted by simply lumping visual and audio information together. There must be some constraints to meet for a multi-modality presentation to be effective. The goal of this study was to spell out some of these underlying constraints.
We have investigate the effect of the following variables on the memory of a word list: (1) Whether there was a kinetic congruency between visual and musical rhythms or not. (2) The type of motion associated with the words. (3) The melody and the rhythm of the accompanying music. The results showed that kinetic congruency gave rise to a better memory performance. However, the enhancement diminished as the duration was lengthened. Therefore, it is important to keep the presentation time within a short range to prevent the perceptional weariness. We also found that the type of motion could have an effect on memory, the “enlarging” type being more effective than the “elongating” type. As for the musical variables, melody appeared to have some effect on memory performance. Rhythm did not seem to have any significant effect on memory.