DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorMei-Jung Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Tien-Chun Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Sheng-Houng Linen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以設計者建構圖像符號與觀賞者解讀圖像意義的脈絡為對象,探索建構與解讀間的脈絡,及達成共識、理解的性質為何。研究實施為透過對資深專業教師與專業設計師的開放性深度訪談,以紮根理論之方法組織資料範疇,依據符號學的觀點討論圖像符號與意義的交互關係。研究結果發現:從設計圖像符號到意義解讀的特質中,包含了「圖像符號建構」、「圖像符號解讀」與「圖像符號建構與意義解讀之共質點」三大範疇: 1.「圖像符號建構」為設計者建構圖像符號的歷程及設計考量,因此包括建構前期的設計動機、時間醞釀、知識累積因素;面對建構問題的態度之建構條件;建構表現時,對於圖像形態的適用性、表現形式的對應關係;以及表現層次的脈絡影響,整理出適合觀賞者閱讀的視覺符號語言。 2.「圖像符號解讀」範疇包含「解讀前提」、「解讀觀點之任意性」及「意義解讀之差異」三階段構成。解讀前提是經由觀者感興趣的面向引發解讀吸引點,由符號外觀、感動的情境內涵引導,進而瞭解訊息內容。因此創造吸引點、聯想影響解讀及興趣引發皆為解讀影響之因素。解讀觀點之任意性為觀賞者因解讀偏好之不同,所關注的焦點即受到影響,使意義解讀造成差異。 3.建構圖像符號者與解讀圖像意義者的共識需由共質點來達成。由「共質點的作用」、「共質點的切入」、「突顯共質點」三階段構成。共質點的作用是憑藉訊息內容、訊息引導的條件,及辨識機能的依據。共質點的切入受到觀賞對象背景的差異變因影響,從訊息主題區分對象範圍感興趣、有關連性及聯想性的面向去發展契合觀賞者的認知圖像領域。共質點特質之突顯,受到對象群認知條件、消費習慣,及圖像形式的凝聚力構成條件影響,即能達成訊息內容溝通的突顯作用。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This study examines the subject of designers' encoding of graphic symbols and viewers' decoding of meaning, explores the context of encoding and decoding, and investigates the characteristics of agreement and understanding. The study was performed via open, in-depth interviews with senior teachers and professional designers. Methodologically organized data categories were used to Ground Theory, and the interactive relationship between graphic symbols and meaning discussed from the point of view of semiotics. It was discovered that characteristics from the design of graphic symbols to the decoding of meaning included the three major categories of "encoding of graphic symbols," "decoding of graphic symbols," and "point of consistency between encoding of graphic symbols and decoding of meaning." 1. The "encoding of graphic symbols" encompasses the designer's process of encoding graphic symbols and design considerations. During the early stages of encoding, relevant aspects include design motivation, deliberation over time, the accumulation of knowledge, and the designer's attitude in the face of encoding problems. When encoding is being performed, relevant aspects include the applicability of graphic forms, correspondence with form of presentation, the contextual influence of presentation level, and the synthesis of a visual symbolic language that can be read by viewers. 2. The category of "decoding of graphic symbols" is composed of the three stages of "decoding premise," "freedom of decoding viewpoint," and "decoding discrepancy." The decoding premise is the point of attraction induced by the aspect the viewer feels is interesting. Guided by the appearance of the symbols and the content of his or her emotional reaction, the viewer is able to understand the content of the message. The creation of a point of attraction, the associations influencing decoding, and stimulation of interest are therefore all factors affecting decoding. Freedom of decoding viewpoint implies that viewers pay attention to different focal points due to differences in their decoding preferences, and this causes discrepancies in the decoded meaning. 3. Agreement between the encoder and decoder must be reached via a "point of consistency." A "point of consistency" is composed of the three stages of "point of consistency function," "point of consistency entry," and "highlighting of a point of consistency." The point of consistency function is reliance on the message content, conditions guiding the message, and the basis of the recognition faculty. The point of consistency entry is influenced by variables causing differences in the background of the subject of appreciation. The viewer distinguishes the subject's scope and feels interest from the topic of the message, and connective and associative aspects develop a cognitive graphic domain conforming to the viewer. The highlighting of a point of consistency is influenced by the cognitive conditions of the subjects, consumer habits, and coherence of graphic forms. This is the highlighting function that causes the content of the message to be communicated.en_US
dc.subjectgraphic symbolsen_US
dc.subjectground theoryen_US
dc.subjectpoint of consistencyen_US
dc.titleApplied Semiotics to Study the Characteristics of Graphic Symbol Encoding and Decodingen_US