Title: 以CAN bus建構出高速精密之多軸運動控制器
Realization of High-Speed-High-Precision Multi-Axis Motion Controllers via the CAN bus
Authors: 謝鎮洲
Chen-Chou Hsieh
Pau -Lo Hsu
Keywords: 整合型控制器;分散式控制系統;Control Area Network (CAN \) bus;前置控制器;交叉耦合補償器;integrated controller;distributed control systems;Control Area Network (CAN ) bus;feedfarward controller;cross-coupled controller
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 近年來隨著個人電腦與微處理器的普及和使用者對於系統能力與資訊要求的增加,分散式的網路控制系統成為目前的一種趨勢。本論文成功的建構出一個分散式的多軸運動控制系統,我們使用了本實驗室自行研發的F243 EVM板作為各軸馬達的控制板以及命令板,利用了F243內建的CAN bus介面作為軸與軸之間的溝通,形成一個分散式的多軸運動控制系統。 此多軸系統由於加入了CAN bus即時網路,使得系統擁有了網路化的優勢,但是因為網路的應用,也使系統的即時控制效能降低,我們希望藉由控制法則的導入來提昇其系統的控制效能。首先,希望系統能有良好的追跡控制,我們在各軸都加入了零相位追跡誤差控制器(ZPETC)與零振幅誤差追跡控制器(ZMETC)。零相位誤差追跡控制器能抵消位置回授控制系統的落後相位,同時改善系統良好的增益響應,而零振幅誤差追跡控制器大幅改善系統的頻寬,可使得系統於高速時仍保有一定的運動精密度。另一方面我們在系統中加入了交叉耦合補償器(CCC),藉著補償器所產生的補償訊號,協調各軸並且消除兩軸以上的綜合軸廓誤差。 將包含前置控制器與交叉耦合補償器的整合型控制器應用於分散式的網路控制系統上。由實驗分析可得知此控制器在分散式系統架構下對於綜合軸廓誤差與各軸的位置誤差都有相當大的改善。本文透過CAN bus來實現整合型控制器,使得多軸運動系統不但可以降低輪廓誤差及追跡誤差,而且又有簡化配線、易於擴充的優點,是未來多軸運動控制技術發展的方向。
In recent years, distributed network control systems have become more popular in industrial applications because of the rapid development of personal computers and microprocessors. By using the controller area network (CAN) bus built in TI F243 DSP micro-controller, the present distributed multi-axis motion control systems have been achieved in this thesis for high-speed-high-precision operations. Although the network–based multi-axis systems have the advantage of reduction of wire connections, the efficiency of their real-time control also degrades. To improve tracking accuracy for the present distributed motion systems, the zero phase error tracking controller (ZPETC) or the zero magnitude error tracking controller (ZMETC) are applied to each axis. Theoretically, ZPETC cancels the phase delay and ZMETC increases the bandwidth of the systems greatly under high-speed operations. In addition, a cross-coupled controller (CCC) which generates proper compensation signals to the each axis to balance and cancel the contouring error is also applied to the present motion systems. Experimental results indicate that the integrated ZMETC and CCC controller achieves the most significant improvement in both tracking and contouring motion accuracy via the CAN bus realization.
Appears in Collections:Thesis