Title: 時間延遲下遙控機器人系統之雙向控制
Bilateral Control of Telerobotic Systems in the Presence of Time Delay
Authors: 周沛男
Pei-Nan Chou
Kuu-Young Young
Keywords: 遙控機器人系統;時間延遲;雙向控制;順應性工作;網際網路;Telerobotic Systems;Time Delay;Bilateral Control;compliance tasks;Internet
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 在遙控操作系統中,操作者下達命令並監督系統工作狀況,而遠端的機器人則執行操作端所下達的命令。由於操作者以及遠端的機器人之間的訊號傳遞是利用網際網路,取代傳統直接利用線路連結,而且整個控制迴路必須考慮到操作者以及遠端的機器人的互動,這使得雙向控制的遠端機器人系統在設計上比單純只考慮機器人時更加困難。而當遠端機器人系統執行順應性工作時,由於與工作環境的接觸是無可避免的,以及必須同時對機器人的位置和力加以控制,使得系統的設計面臨更大的挑戰。
Teleoperation techniques unite the human operator as the supervisor and the machine as the manipulator. Because both the human operator and machine are involved in the control loop and they are connected via the network instead of direct link, the development of a bilateral telerobotic system poses challenges different from systems involving machines alone. And these challenges become more severe when the telerobotic system is used for compliance tasks, in which simultaneous control of both position and force is demanded and inevitable contact with the environment is encountered.
Nowadays, the Internet is widely used in the telerobotic system. The effect of time delay is thus crucial to system performance. It may destabilize and desynchronize the bilateral telerobotic system and consequently affect the realism and smoothness exhibited by the system. In this thesis, we propose a novel bilateral control scheme to deal with varying time delays and it guarantees system stability and synchronization between two sides of the telerobotic system. Experiments based on a telerobotic system developed in our laboratory are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Appears in Collections:Thesis