Title: 馬模型動態場景之製作與周邊軟硬體的搭配
Dynamic Modeling and Scene Creation of VR-based Horse Simulation System with Matchment of Some Hardware and Software
Authors: 蔡享冀
Xiang-Ji Cai
Dr. Chin-Teng Lin
Keywords: 沖淡濾波器;washout
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本論文研究主要在於一個虛擬實境馬場景的製作,首先大略地介紹虛擬實境的概念,其中包括了物件的美工製作、虛擬實境運作的流程、座標系的基本定義等等。接著介紹如何結合動態運動方程式及建立一馬模型物件於虛擬實境之中。最後加入周邊軟、硬體設備加以操縱與展示馬匹的動向動態與加強場景的逼真性等等。虛擬實境場景搭配的周邊軟、硬體其中包括了一般搖桿、史都華六軸運動平台、鍵盤、滑鼠、力回饋搖桿與投影設備等等,而針對連結場景動態的六軸運動平台的研究部分,為了使運動空間受限的六軸運動平台仍能夠讓乘坐者感受場景的動態狀況,因此本論文發展出一可控制六軸運動平台姿態的沖淡濾波器在有限空間內用來模擬乘坐馬匹時人的真實感受。另外在虛擬實境場景的投影方面,因有些投影展示室的硬體設施為一些較為特殊的投影面,所以投影時會產生一些畫面偏差,因此本論文也做了一些投影畫面的矯正、改進的研究工作。
This research subject majorly lies in virtual reality horse. At first, we introduce a general idea of virtual reality, including the art designing of 3D models, the flow path of virtual reality, and the basic definition of coordinates. Then, we introduce how to build up a model of horse’s shape, and we integrate dynamic motion formula into our simulation environment. We also combine some hardware and software to operate、exhibit the dynamic movement of horse, enhance the reality of our simulation environment etc. to let its interaction confirm with actual application.
Among the hardware which we often equip the virtual reality with includes the joystick of general purpose 、Stewart motion platform with six axes、keyboard、mouse、specific joystick which can send force back、equipment of projection and etc. Then we discuss the Stewart Platform which is connected with the dynamic simulation environment. In order to let the passengers on the Stewart platform, which is restricted to a limited working space, can still feel the dynamic condition of the simulation environment realistically, we develop a washout filter which can control the motion of the Stewart platform. We then use it to simulate the real motion of the passengers on the horses. Besides the exhibition of the VR simulation environment is projecting the picture of simulation environment onto the projective surface, and for some specific reason, the facility for projection of exhibitive room is concave and curved surface, so there will be some deviation of the projection picture. Thus, we also study how to correct and improve the projective pictures.
Appears in Collections:Thesis