Title: 光纖光柵模態轉換器及新型Fabry-Perot濾波元件之研製
Fabrication of Fiber Bragg grating mode-converters and a new type of Fabry-Perot filter devices
Authors: 吳東穎
Dung-Ying Wu
Yin-Chieh Lai
Keywords: 光纖光柵;傾斜式光纖光柵;雙模態光纖;模態耦合器;Fabry-Perot共振架構;fiber Bragg grating;tilted grating;two mode fiber;mode converter;Fabry-Perot resonator
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 在本論文中我們同時在理論及實驗上針對光纖光柵模態轉換器進行研究,並以之來製作新型Fabry-Perot濾波元件。在實驗上我們利用相位光罩成功地在雙模態光纖上曝照出不同轉換效率之模態轉換器,並進一步利用適當的模態轉換器組成Fabry-Perot形式之濾波元件,製作出無反射之窄頻穿透濾波器以及窄頻反射、窄頻穿透之濾波器。在理論上我們利用耦合模理論來設計模態轉換器,也建立新型Fabry-Perot濾波元件之理論模型來模擬這類新元件之特性。
In this thesis we study fiber Bragg grating mode converters and a new type of fiber Fabry-Perot filters both theoretically and experimentally. In the experimental side, we have successfully fabricated the fiber Bragg grating mode-converters with different mode converting efficiency by using the phase mask approach and the two-mode fiber. We demonstrate that a pair of mode-converting Bragg gratings in a suitable configuration can yield a non-reflecting narrow-band transmission filter and a narrow-band reflecting narrow-band transmission filter. In the theoretical side, we have modeled the fiber Bragg grating mode-converters by solving the couple-mode equations, and have developed a mathematical model for the new type of Fabry-Perot filters in order to calculate their filtering spectra.
Appears in Collections:Thesis