標題: 對於移動式隨建即連網路的一種可靠路由方法
A reliable routing algorithm for mobile ad hoc networks
作者: 趙偉臣
關鍵字: 隨建即連網路;路由方法;ad hoc networks;routing
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 隨建即連的網路是由一群行動主機自我組織起來的網路,和傳統的移動無線網路不同的地方在於隨建即連的網路不需要依靠一些固定的基礎設施,例如基地台(Base station)以及接取點(Access point),他們的通訊方式是藉由中間節點的轉送,以多點跳躍(multi-hop)的方式來完成,由於不受那些基礎設施的限制,所以移動性高,而且部署非常容易。由於這些主機會一直移動,造成整個網路的拓樸不斷的改變,所以必須要有一種快速的方法來偵測目前的拓樸(topology)情況,當使用中的路徑中斷時,才能夠迅速的尋找到另外一條路徑來繼續傳送。在無線網路中,安全性是一個很重要的關鍵,由於在一個無線的環境下傳送資料是非常不可靠的,所以安全性也必須要考慮進去。我們研究了許多種路由的方法以及增加安全性的方法,由於我們的目標是希望整個方法是能夠迅速以及簡單,所以我們提出了一個方法,使得尋找路徑加上增加安全性能夠用一個簡單的方法來實現。
An ad hoc network is a network composed by a group of mobile hosts. Unlike traditional mobile wireless networks, ad hoc networks do not rely on any fixed infrastructure such as base stations and access points. These mobile hosts complete their transmission by transferring the data by intermediate nodes and send the data by multi-hop. Because ad hoc networks do not limit to the infrastructure, they have high mobility and they can be built easily. Because these hosts move, the topology of the network will always change. We have to use an algorithm to detect the topology fast. When some links are broken, we can find another path to keep transmitting the data as fast as possible. In wireless networks, security is a very important issue. Data transmission is vulnerable in the wireless surrounding, so we have to consider the security. There are many proposed routing methods and many ways to enhance the security. Because our goal is how to find another route to keep transmission when some links are broken and enhance the security easily, our proposed algorithm which combines the redundancy base multi-path routing protocol and the Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm can achieve our goal.


  1. 350801.pdf

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