Title: 分色光柵的設計製作之研究
Studies on the Design and Fabrication of Color Gratings
Authors: 陳晏佐
Yann-Tzuo Chen
Mao-Hong Lu
Keywords: 分色光柵法;嚴格耦合波理論;電子束微影;color garting method;the rigorous coupled-wave theory;E-beam lithography
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 在單片式液晶投影顯示系統中,利用彩色濾光片作為分光元件是主要的方式,濾光片之穿透效率不高再加上孔徑比率的關係,使得整體效率不超過30%,這是濾光片的最大缺點,而且由於濾光片為穿透式會使系統有發熱的問題。
In the single-panel liquid crystal projection system, the color filter is the common device used for separating light. Because of the low transmitted efficiency of the color filter, the total efficiency of the system is less than 30%. And the transmitted filter has the problem of heat dispersing in the system.
Using diffraction gratings for separating light is called the Color Grating Method. This method uses the reflected grating and micro lens instead of the filter. We analyze the one-dimensional surface relief grating by the vector diffraction theory, this is because the line-width of the grating is same order of magnitude as the wavelength of light. The theory is also called the rigorous coupled-wave theory (RCWT).
We design the color grating by determining parameters of the grating and an optimization program by the RCWT is made. The line-width of designed gratings is so small that we made them with E-beam lithography techniques. In this paper, we have made four-level gratings with line-width about 0.15um. Finally, we measure the diffraction efficiency of the grating and show that the RCWT is correct.
Appears in Collections:Thesis