標題: 殖動式 群集組織
The Bio-dynamical Clustering-organization
作者: 林錦堂
Ching-tang Lin
關鍵字: 殖動式;群集組織;後現代時期;非線性組織;互動式企業平台;Bio-dynamical;Clustering-organization;postmodern age;Unlinear organization;interactive Corporate-platform
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 全球化與網際網路的興起,改變了企業情境。我們已經身處的此一時代,無論在政治、經濟以及社會層面,更因電腦和資訊的衝擊,都與現代化初期所呈現的企業情境及浮顯的現象極為不同。甚之企業情境所浮現的諸多事端,其複雜性實超出企業人們的想像之外。現存企業組織更是忙於日常例行的事務,無暇規畫創新的計畫。而傳統的組織機制,對於不確定、偶發的事件,顯得乏人察覺。尤其是新經濟時代的商機,大都是隱沈的。如何察覺這些隱沈的商機,發展新科技、開發新市場,將成為往後企業組織應該重視的焦點。 本研究針對已存的組織作了分析性的闡述。更說明了組織的僵固和反應遲緩的本質,是源自於不貼切的社會性複製,和被表徵化的意涵。面對人類社會的變遷,企業情境也被聯動著,產生了另貌的,過往未曾經驗的和未來是無法預測的狀況。組織於將陷入快速耗散的生命周期中。 為了使組織能夠長存久新,必須建構出本研究的組織理論 ─ 殖動式群集組織,使組織能夠殖生而產生活力動能,才能使組織不斷地自我修復,以及另覓商機。 本研究的理論重點均撰著於第二章,闡述著殖動式群集組織的架構基礎,和理論的推演。
The raising globalization and Internet have changed the corporate environment. As in such period, for the impact of the technology of computer and information, however, it is extremely different with the appearance of corporate environment and revealing phenomena at the initial stage of modernization, even in these aspects of politics, economic and society. Extraordinarily, a lot of events have been rised from the corporate environment, and the complexity of these events is truly out of enterprisers’ imagination. Extant corporate organizations are exhausted daily with routine procedures and have not time to plan the project of innovation. But the mechanism of traditional organizations cannot become conscious of uncertain and accidental events apparently. The business opportunities of new economic age, almost all of them are obscure especially. How to be aware of these obscure business opportunities, new technologies and undeveloped marketing should become to be very important focus by the corporate organizations from now on. This research has focused on the existent corporate organizations and made out the analytic statement. More explanations regard with the innate qualities, such as rigidity and delayed reaction, of the organizations which is in cause of un-appropriate socialized-reproduces and ostensible meanings. Face to the human-society change which is also inter-connected with the corporate environment and create different featured, unexperienced and unforcasting situation. Consequently organization should be going to the fast-exhausting corporate life-cycle at last. In this research, for the life of organization can be keeping longer and newer, we have to construct this theory of organization --- The bio-dynamical clustering organization --- which can make the organization to self-breed continually and create the powerful vitality. It can force the organization to be recovering and hunting the potential business opportunities. The critical key theme of this research is illustrated in the chapter two that clearly elucidates the fundamental framework and theory deducing.