標題: 價值創造導向的經營模式創新─以M公司為例
Research on the value creation through business model innovation - an empirical study on one high tech company
作者: 李良相
Liang Hsiang Lee
Dr. C. Y. Hung
關鍵字: 經營模式;價值創造;創新;Business model;Value creation;Innovation
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 在本論文中我們希望藉著探討經營模式的創新是可以創造價值的. 台灣高科技產業向以”善變 “ 以符合市場之需求, 並不斷茁壯其競爭力. 台灣高科技企業一開始泰半以產品創新切入市場, 提供客戶較佳的價值/成本, 然而隨著市場、技術及生產品質的成熟, 企業是如何維持其成長動能. 本文透過文獻及產業實例歸納出七種經營模式創新, 並發現這些企業事實上都是把公司的主要核心競爭力在市場有需求但尚未有適當解決方案時就勇於切入市埸取得優勢. 因此本文也希望探討公司公司大小、資源多寡是不是會決定性影響產品創新及經營模式創新?也來探討如何找出公司核心競爭力, 並利用此核心競爭力創新經營模式, 以及利用此核心競爭力去leverage其他產品開創全新的市場需求, 或者利用此核心競爭力快速進入利基市場, 形成局部優勢, 而快速拉大與競爭者之距離. 因此我們透過對小型記憶卡產業之研究, 經由產業特性、 競爭狀態, Porter’s 五力分析, SWOT 分析, 以探討某M公司在此競爭態勢下之做法; 接著本文將個案公司之創新經營模式做一歸納說朋並提出本研究之發現,及後續研究可行行方向.
This thesis studies the relationship in between business model innovation and value creation in Taiwan high-tech companies. The analysis’s conclusion are suggested to be used for current/future business model reference in Taiwan. The study differs from the previous studies which emphasize the successful business model catching up was achieved through mass production and cost down in Taiwan IT industry. This study found the successful business model is more important than cost down only. The business model must have something difference and edge to compare with your competitors. No matter these advantages are from products development, operations, logistics or services, they must be leading a lots to your competitors and set up some barrier which is not easy to overcome. The important conclusion was these advantages must be created enough value which recognized by your customers. This study concluded seven different kind of success business model in Taiwan IT industry and defined several variable factors which made business model into success. In the ever-changing business environment, staying competitive is a continuous challenge to all established firms. How to define your business model and successfully build up barriers depends on the strategy it adopts to cope with the external environment and customers, as well as the internal business process and operational structure. This thesis is research about the changes and innovation took place at C-One Technology Corporation. This research is aimed at identification of the core competence of C-One and its key success factors in small form factor memory card industry. And it examines memory card market environment, the core competences, the focusing strategy that C-one pursued in its fundamental business model, and analyzes the decision making process of C-One’s management team during the past few years.