Title: | 微機電技術在無線通訊產業之發展策略 The Development Strategy of MEMS in Wireless Communication Industry |
Authors: | 陳宗義 Chung-Yi Chen 袁建中 Benjamin J.C. Yung 管理學院科技管理學程 |
Keywords: | 微機電;無線通訊;射頻微機電;MEMS;Wireless Communication;RFMEMS |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 微機電系統(MEMS)技術具有將產品微小化、提高性能、可靠度及附加價值,及與積體電路整合批次量產以降低製造成本之特色與優點。其應用範圍廣泛,可大幅提昇現有相關產業的製造能力及產品競爭力,故已被視為新興產業且為二十一世紀主要的核心製造技術,包括我國在內之世界工業先進國家均將其列為策略性產業積極發展。
因應無線通訊市場的蓬勃發展,運用射頻微機電(RFMEMS)技術解決目前無線通訊技術發展瓶頸之需求日益殷切,故RFMEMS的技術發展藍圖及市場應用幾已明確,各種技術近年迭有突破且亦趨成熟,惟具體實現商品化的時程仍待努力,由產品逐步形成產業的技術推力及外部資源亦需整合凝聚。本研究先由「市場構面」評估RFMEMS產品商品化之機會與挑戰。再由「產業構面」檢視RFMEMS技術發展及推測產品發展之期程。最後參酌IC產業結構與發展模式,歸納出發展RFMEMS產業可行之營運模式。 Microelectromechnical systems (MEMS) represent an emergence technology based on the same fabricating processes used to make intrgrated circuits (ICs). MEMS techniques offer miniaturization, high performance, reduced cost and enable integration with integrated circuits. Their widespread application has attracted the attention of the high technology industries as acknowledged core manufacturing technology of 21st century Current and future radio frequency (RF) module in wireless communication systems will require more flexible and sophisticated devices, but with small size, low cost and high performance. MEMS devices for RF application can provide the advantage to solve the bottleneck and drive the RF system integrated to a chip. Through technological forecasting method, this study will evaluate opportunity and challenge of MEMS in wireless communication industry from both marketing demand and technology provider sides. Finally, introduce several feasible operation models for specific product’s development and analyze its benefit and risk. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/69564 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |