Title: 資料包絡分析法應用於電子、資訊領域科專計畫的效率評估
An Application of DEA for measuring the relative efficiency of the Electronics & Information Technology Development Projects in Taiwan
Authors: 林月珠
Yueh-Jue Lin
Dr. Hsi-Mei Hsu
Keywords: 資料包絡分析法;效率評估;DEA;Relative Efficiency
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究係以經濟部技術處電子、資訊領域的科專計畫(簡稱電資科專),在民國八十四年度至八十八年度間完成的全程計畫成果查證報告中的資料,彙整領域特性及實際運作狀況,作為投入、產出的項目,利用資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis, DEA)評估其研究發展效率,以提供委託單位(經濟部技術處)資源配置與管控的參考,並作為執行單位績效改進的依據。 本研究結果顯示:1.電資科專的執行績效,其效能並非全是漸入佳境的趨勢,但同一技術的第二期計畫的效能明顯高於第二期。2.執行績效之良窳與執行單位無關,而與執行之資歷有關。3.科專計畫在研提階段,委辦單位可以在研提階段,以DEA作為目標管理設定的工具。4.專利和技術報告是科專計畫產出評估的關注重點。5.因為研究發展的成果有時間展延的特性,所以在評比績效時,尚須加入專家的評審指示,才可更深層的看到未來可促動與展現的產業效益。
In this study, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to measure the relative efficiency of the electronics and information technology development projects (EITDP) in Taiwan. This study indicates that DEA is a useful tool in helping to benchmark the projects, which is continuously aspiring to improve the performances of EITDP. In addition, DEA yields a relative measure of efficiency and it identifies those inputs and outputs that are being under-utilized. This information may be useful for some project managers. Meanwhile, this study presents that the performances of the individual year of a particular project are no difference. However, if a particular project had been performed in two periods, then the performances of the second period are better than those of the first period.
Appears in Collections:Thesis