標題: 設計一種以IC封裝/測試業為主的自動化生產排程系統
Design and Implementation of an Automatic Production and Scheduling System for IC Package/Testing Industry
作者: 郭哲宏
Che-Hung Kuo
Ruey-Shun Chen
關鍵字: 生產排程系統;生產模擬;多變樣規則;IC 封裝;IC 測試;automatic production and scheduling system;production simulation;diversity;IC Package;IC Testing
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 由於近年來受到全球經濟不景氣及人工成本的提高,使得工廠自動化的程度成為企業競爭力的重要指標。而有台灣矽谷之稱的新竹科學園區在過去的十年間更成為經濟成長的幕後功臣。但隨著半導體產業逐漸的走入成熟期,故不得不接受少量多樣的彈性生產模式來維持企業競爭力。尤其是IC後段製程旳封裝╱測試產業更是具備多變的彈性生產機制,而這也突顯出封裝╱測試業生產排程資訊化的重要性。 本研究採用自動化的資訊技術,並結合物件導向的觀念與配合最新的軟體開發工具,而推導出封裝╱測試為主的系統架構,來建構一個符合個案公司需求之生產排程系統。 本研究結果整合封裝╱測試之一元化服務(Turn Key)機制,而使得新系統達到製程定義簡易化、生產過帳介面彈性化、生產排程最適化、生產報表製作快速化、緊急應變處理及生產績效控管等目前業界所困擾問題之解決方案成果。且生產排程應用在IC封裝╱測試廠的生產規劃管理上,更可使企業生產單位能發展自身所長,從而減少人員負擔及經驗傳達的困難度。
Due to the influence of worldwide depression and the increased labor cost, the degree of factory automation has become an important index for the enterprise competition. Semiconductor industry in the Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park, Silicon Valley in Taiwan, is absolutely a great boost to the economy development during the past ten years. However, as the semiconductor industry steps into the mature cycle gradually, we have to accept the diverse-production patterns with flexibility to maintain the enterprise competition. In particular, IC package/testing enterprise features flexible and diverse production mechanism and therefore it reveals the importance of setting up the information infrastructure of the IC package/testing production and scheduling system. The research adopts automatic information technology and the concept of object orientation programming, and uses the latest software developing tools, which leads to the framework of our systems majoring in package/testing. With this research, we can build a production and scheduling system that meets the needs of a specific company. After analyzing the deficiencies of our legacy system and integrating the Turn Key Service of package/testing, we streamline the new system to attain the goals of implementing simply-defined processes, flexible production data entry and transition interface, optimized production schedule, rapid report generation, emergency managements and performance management, and those are the solutions to the problems the package/testing enterprise faces at present stage. In addition, applying the production scheduling to the production planning of the IC package/testing factories can help enterprise production units take advantage of their own merits, and offload employee’s burdens and lower the difficulty of experience delivery.