標題: 網際網路即時監控回報系統之設計與製作
Study and Development of a Real-Time Internet Monitor & Report System
作者: 郭懷忠
Hwai-Chung Guo
Yaw-Chung Chen
關鍵字: 網路監測;網路管理;SNMP;SMS
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,使各種網路設備充斥在各機構部門,因此網路設備管理工作亦越來越受重視。身為網路管理人員,經常需要利用各種網路管理工具來協助其及早發現網路異常狀況,以儘快作相關處理,減少因網路斷線造成的不便與損失。 本論文內容主要是提出一個以SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)協定為基礎並結合 Web Technology 與 GSM SMS(Short Message System) 網路,建構成一個即時監測網路狀況的網路管理環境,並實際製作本系統來驗證此架構設計的可行性。由於全球GSM 行動電話系統越來越普及,本論文嘗試透過SNMP協定對網路設備狀況作持續性的監測,並在設備狀況異常時即時透過GSM 簡訊系統或 email 方式通知網路管理人員,達到網路管理人員能隨時隨地掌握網路狀況的目的。另外本系統在設計使用者操作介面上以Web Browser 為單一操作介面,可增加此系統使用上的方便與彈性。
With the prosperous development of Internet, each department of the firm is full of all kinds of network devices. Therefore, the management of internet devices is valued more and more. Being a member of Internet management needs to take advantage of implement of Internet management to find out the unusual conditions of the Internet as early as possible. Besides, they can reduce inconvenience and loss caused by disconnect from the Internet Network. In this paper, we submit one Network Management System with SNMP-base and combine Web Technology、GSM SMS system to build a network management environment for real-time monitoring and reporting . we also set up this system to verify if the design is available. Owing to the popularity of the global GSM cell phones, this system try to monitor the conditions of the network devices continuously and inform the people in charge of maintaining the system by SNMP or email. As a result, they can handle the Network abnormal condition all the time. In addition, The system use the WEB Browser be the client user’s interface, That can increase the convenience and flexibility of this system.