Title: Peer Cache Server (PCS) - 基於點對點環境下的網際網路快取服務
Peer Cache Server (PCS) - Web Cache Service on Peer-to-Peer Environment
Authors: 莊宇辰
Yu-Chen Chuang
Shyan-Ming Yuan
Keywords: 對等網;網路快取;代理伺服器;Peer to Peer;P2P;Web Cache;Proxy Server;ICP
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,各種耗費大量網路頻寬的多媒體資料充斥在網路世界中,使用者對於網頁瀏覽速度的要求也愈來愈高,而Web Cache Server技術的出現就是藉由縮短網頁存取距離,來換取更快的瀏覽速度。但其實最靠近自己的,並不是Web Cache Server,而是與自己同屬相同網域的電腦,如果每個電腦都能將自己的Cache分享給其他電腦,那麼網頁存取距離就較Web Cache Server更縮短於相同網域之中,並能換取更快的瀏覽速度。
本論文中提出PCS(Peer Cache System)系統,架構於真正分散式Peer-to-Peer的環境下,讓電腦提供Cache分享的服務。依據適當的策略,來解決Peer-to-Peer環境衍生的問題,並藉由增加Cache整體數目及Hit Ratio的提昇,來增進系統整體的效能。
As explosive growth of Internet, multimedia data that consume lot of bandwidth are all around the cyber world. As a result, demands for speed of web browsing are getting higher and higher. Web Cache Server, which provides good browsing performance by shorten the distance of web page access, is one of the solutions. As a matter of fact, however, the nearest machine to users is not Web Cache Server itself but the computers that belong to the users’ network domain. That is, by sharing Cache among computers in same network domain, the distance of page access should be shorter than what Web Cache Server does. Therefore, speed up the web browsing.
In this article, we propose a PCS (Peer Cache Server) that is based on a true distributed Peer-to-Peer environment by providing Cache sharing among computers. With appropriate policy, problems that arise in Peer-to-Peer should be solved. In addition, by increasing the amount of Cache and Hit Ratio, we should improve the performance of whole system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis