標題: 研究旋轉組態橢圓儀之校正
Research on the calibration of the PSA rotating element ellipsometer
作者: 崔益南
Tsui Yi-Nan
Yu-Faye Chao
關鍵字: 旋轉組態橢圓儀
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 橢圓偏光儀係利用量測反射光的偏極特性來量測材料的厚度、折射率、吸收率等光學參數(Optical Constant)。目前市面上有不少使用連續旋轉偏光片或連續旋轉析光片的方法來量測樣品之橢圓偏光參數,其量測速度遠快於歸零式橢圓儀,且結構也很簡單。 本研究是以Nanometrics公司之PSA連續旋轉析光片系統為實驗機型,利用Mathmatica的程式來分析實驗的數據,並對於其偏光片與析光片光軸之初始偏差的校正方法加以探討與研究。由於實驗機型非我等能控制,而由於執行校正時旋轉偏光片所造成的入射角偏差則非本研究可克服故留作已後探討。
Ellipsometer measures the optical properties of material by measuring the changes of polarization state through the reflected light. Recently, it is proved that the measuring speed of the rotating polarizer/analyzer is faster than the conventional null ellipsometer, in addition, its configuration is much simpler in comparing with the null ellipsometer. In this research, we try to establish the similar calibration method of Nanometrics PSA rotating analyzer ellipsometer in our laboratory. The measured data is analyzed by the symbolic program of Methmatica. Because we do not have the access of controlling the system, the research has already reached the limit of its error analysis. So discussing of the incident angle slightly shift when performing calibration by rotating polarizer will leave in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis