Title: LED、LCD廠安全衛生現況調查及危害預防
The Investigation of Safety and Health Issues and Hazard Prevention Methodology for LED and LCD Industry
Authors: 羅光榮
Kuang-Jung Lo
Chiun-Hsun Chen
Keywords: 光電業;薄膜液晶顯示器和顯示器面板;發光二極體;危害預防;Electro-Optic industry;Liquid Crystal Display(LCD);Light Emitting Diode(LED);Hazard Prevention
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本論文以十八家光電廠商(主要分為含液晶顯示器(LCD)以及發光二極體(LED)兩大類)為對象作現況調查,以了解其安全衛生工作現況和所遭遇的問題,找出其潛在危害並建議相關預防對策;再配合所蒐集的相關資料予以比較分析,並草擬危害預防建議。在研究過程中,首先蒐集國內外有關光電產業安全衛生的法規或規範等文獻資料,予以整理並作分析;同時進行訪視工作,在訪視之前,將事先設計好的訪視問卷,先送給業者填寫,以建立基本資料,接著將廠商基本資料和個別訪視結果作分類整理,分析其危害程度並建議應有的對策,以降低其職業傷害。在潛在危害分析方面,主要是依廠商問卷調查結果及現場訪視狀況,再對照製程特性,以化學物質本質危害、化學品供應方式、製程設備及廠房佈置等項目,辨識其可能潛在之危害;再經由分析所得之特有危害特性,並參考國內法規及相關規範等要求後,建立適切可行的危害預防對策。
Eighteen Electro-Optic factories, focused on two categories: Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and Light Emitting Diode (LED), are selected to survey their present situations about the labors’ safety and health issues and the corresponding problems they meet right now in order to identify the potential hazards in advance. Meanwhile, an intensive review is given for all of the codes and standards related to labors’ safety and health in the subject. Then, the analyses are carried out by using the above results to establish a draft of hazard prevent documentation, accordingly. Before engaging in the field survey, a predesigned questionnaire is distributed to each manufacturer to gain the basic data. According to these data and the evaluation from the field survey, the potential level of hazard is identified and the necessary countermeasures to alleviate the possible hazard are suggested. For the potential hazard analysis, this study uses the data obtained from questionnaire and the results from the on-site visit to identify the possible hazards through comparisons with the characteristics of manufacturing process, inherent danger of chemicals, methods of chemical supply, processing equipment and plant layout. Then, the proposals for the hazard prevention for LED and LCD factories are given after incorporating with the relevant safety codes and regulations. Finally, several suggestions for all efforts on hazard prevention for safety and health in Electro-Optic industry are made.
Appears in Collections:Thesis