Title: 營建企業供應鏈體系電子化資訊技術應用調查與分析
A Survey On The Application of Information Technologies for Construction Supply Chains
Authors: 吳冰
Wou, Bing
Keywords: 供應鏈管理;資訊應用策略;供應鏈電子化;SCM;Electronic information intergretation strategy;Electronic supply chain
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 全球化、數位化伴隨著新世紀的到來,如何因應國際競爭的挑戰,尤以營建產業特性、法規制度、經營型態、組織架構、跨領域人才與整合能力、上下游企業之間往來交易的供需協調、企業本身內控能力與資源規劃、以及企業資訊基礎建設等均有待積極加強改善。
In the practical construction industry, many characteristics such as high customization and lack of individual discipline experts are the barriers to the implmentation of electronic supply management. The integrated supply chain relies on a close supply-demand coordination between connected business entities, the enterprise resource planning and information infrastructure. The integration may result in several benefits such as increased business opportunities and client’s satisfaction, lower communication cost, faster response, and reduced errors.
The government has introduced the e-suply chain by promoting the SCM to the construction industry. There are issues include a common purchase platform for heterogeneous systems, various companies with an integration of purchase documents such as product catalog, bidding documents, bid invitation letter, quotation inquiry, notice to proceed, etc. For the different strategies and approaches to suit for its needs, based on the interview of 13 enterprises that are currently practicing the e-supply management. The followings are the result from the analysis.
1.From the cost/efficiency perspectives, an enterprise should first consider the civil work subcontractors, then the materials suppliers, as a part of the e-supply chain.
2.The government agencies, architecture/engineering firms should be included as part of the e-supply chain.
3.Billing and payment are a major part of information exchange in an enterprise, which is resulted in requiring less time consuming and more efficient under e-management. For the subcontractors and suppliers, application for payment, payment, and bookkeeping are worth been processed electronic format.
4.Enterprises, because of their early involvement with e-supply chain, usually started with an independent management information system (MIS), and then an integrated enterprise resource planning system (ERP). Middium or small size of enterprises started with an integrated ERP, and then MIS for their specific needs. The SCM and knowledge management should be implemented after when ERP is readied. The customer relationship management system should be the last to be implemented.
Appears in Collections:Thesis