Title: 營建企業供應鏈體系電子化資訊技術應用調查與分析
A Survey On The Application of Information Technologies for Construction Supply Chains
Authors: 吳冰
Wou, Bing
Keywords: 供應鏈管理;資訊應用策略;供應鏈電子化;SCM;Electronic information intergretation strategy;Electronic supply chain
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 全球化、數位化伴隨著新世紀的到來,如何因應國際競爭的挑戰,尤以營建產業特性、法規制度、經營型態、組織架構、跨領域人才與整合能力、上下游企業之間往來交易的供需協調、企業本身內控能力與資源規劃、以及企業資訊基礎建設等均有待積極加強改善。 政府於2001年推動供應鏈管理應用在營建產業,就產業電子化而言,是一個重要的里程碑。因係首次發展,在導入體系企業間電子化計劃時,如何解決體系間共通採購作業平台,開發網路採發系統—廠商基本資料、產品型錄、邀標書、投標文件、詢報價、投標書、開標結果、開工通知、估驗計價、領款通知、合約管理等,及工地物流配送,乃至與企業內部ERP的資源整合。由於企業之規模及經謍管理模式不同,其導入電子化發展歷史的差異,因而如何掌握電子化技術應用之策略應為當務之急,期以提供各別企業高階層做決策時之參考。 針對刻正推動之體系企業間電子化之實際案例十三家現況調查,並以其中四家為對象作實地訪查以瞭解其供應鏈體系工作現況和困難,從中發現問題及配合蒐集的資料比較分析後,提出建議解決方法。 在研究過程中,首先從國內外相關文獻回顧,設計調查問卷、選定訪查對象、作實地訪談、溝通、了解及說明,填寫後寄回再分析比較,據以研擬營建供應鏈資訊技術應用策略如下: 1.營建供應鏈體系之資訊建立,宜以土建類供應商為優先考量,材料類供應商次之;其他類供應商之訊息活動再次之。 2.政府機關、建築師事務所及顧問公司為優先納入供應鏈體系之業主單位;混凝土及鋼筋廠商為優先納入供應鏈電子化體系之供應商。 3.供應鏈體系外部作業,係以採發後期作業為主,其中土建類供應商最具導入價值之作業為估驗請款、付款及核銷帳等作業,材料類及其他類供應商則為收料檢驗及估驗請款為優先項目。 4.大型營建企業體系間電子化策略應用順序,宜就原先發展之MIS資訊系統提供EC介面,再發展整合之ERP系統;中小型營建企業體系則提供Web應用並以ERP系統之發展為優先;SCM及KM系統建立,應待ERP系統完成後再行發展;而CRM系統則為最終完成營建企業供應鏈體系之電子化。
In the practical construction industry, many characteristics such as high customization and lack of individual discipline experts are the barriers to the implmentation of electronic supply management. The integrated supply chain relies on a close supply-demand coordination between connected business entities, the enterprise resource planning and information infrastructure. The integration may result in several benefits such as increased business opportunities and client’s satisfaction, lower communication cost, faster response, and reduced errors. The government has introduced the e-suply chain by promoting the SCM to the construction industry. There are issues include a common purchase platform for heterogeneous systems, various companies with an integration of purchase documents such as product catalog, bidding documents, bid invitation letter, quotation inquiry, notice to proceed, etc. For the different strategies and approaches to suit for its needs, based on the interview of 13 enterprises that are currently practicing the e-supply management. The followings are the result from the analysis. 1.From the cost/efficiency perspectives, an enterprise should first consider the civil work subcontractors, then the materials suppliers, as a part of the e-supply chain. 2.The government agencies, architecture/engineering firms should be included as part of the e-supply chain. 3.Billing and payment are a major part of information exchange in an enterprise, which is resulted in requiring less time consuming and more efficient under e-management. For the subcontractors and suppliers, application for payment, payment, and bookkeeping are worth been processed electronic format. 4.Enterprises, because of their early involvement with e-supply chain, usually started with an independent management information system (MIS), and then an integrated enterprise resource planning system (ERP). Middium or small size of enterprises started with an integrated ERP, and then MIS for their specific needs. The SCM and knowledge management should be implemented after when ERP is readied. The customer relationship management system should be the last to be implemented.
Appears in Collections:Thesis