標題: 國軍聯保廠推動ISO 14001與OHSAS 18001管理系統整合之研究
The Study on Integration of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 for the Military Maintenance Shop
作者: 張明廉
Ming-Lien Chang
Dr. Chun-Yu-Chen
Dr. Chiun-Hsun-Chen
關鍵字: 環境管理系統;安全衛生管理系統;系統整合;聯合保修廠;environment management system;occupational health and safety management system;system integration;Military Maintenance Shop
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 國軍精實案後成立地區聯保廠,補保作業由以往野戰機動支援改為地區固定支援,因工廠作業的固定化,已大幅提昇人員穩定性與裝備修製能量,因此,應將企業經營型態融入聯保廠,配合政府政策及國際環境及安衛發展趨勢,推動國際標準認證。ISO 14001環境管理系統與OHSAS 18001安全衛生管理系統均以PDCA管理循環為條文內容及系統運作架構,兩系統有極高的相容性,整合推動有利於環安衛問題鑑別、文件建立、人員教育訓練及稽核審查一併實行,可避免重覆建制的管理浪費。本研究依據台中聯合保修廠之廠區配置及業務特性,探討作業流程關鍵步驟產生之環安衛問題,如裝備測試噪音、保修廢棄物、廢油、廢水、毒氣等,衍生對環境造成的衝擊及對人員產生的危害風險,作為制定政策、目標、標的及管理方案的依據,並進而分析推動整合兩系統時,聯保廠之組織架構及職責規劃,如何將環安衛管理系統,融入聯保廠的整體運作體系,以落實安全衛生及環境保護工作,提供國軍補保人員於無公害環境中工作,進而提昇聯保廠形象,並作為國軍其他單位、政府部門及相關企業之參考。
Since the Army integrated maintenance factories was reorganized after the Military Force structure was rebuilt, the military logistic of supply and maintenance have been changed from maneuverable to be localized in the operation area. For this reason, not only decrease the floating personnel, but also increase the maintenance capability by a wide margin. The operation should be merged with enterprise styles and perform within the policy of the Government and the global trend of development. Then it can carry out the standard approvals of ISO and OHSAS series. Both ISO 14001 environment management system and OHSAS 18001 occupational health and safety management system based on the content and system operation structure of PDCA management cycle are compatible. Integration and running these two systems are useful to make identification of problems of environment, occupational health and safety, and document register, employee training and audit work together and eliminate redundant organizations. The Military Taichung Jointed Maintenance Shop was chosen for this study to investigate issues of occupational health and safety, environment regarding crucial steps in work flow, such as noise generated by testing equipments and waste disposal oil, water and hazardous gas due to maintenance activities, resulting in impacts to environment and jeopardy risk to maintenance personnel. Several conclusions have been drawn as foundation for setting up policy, goal, objective and management plan. In the analysis of integrating these two systems, organization structure and position assignment planning of Jointed Shop and occupational health and safety, environment management system were fused into the shop operation as a whole to fulfill duties in occupational health and safety, and environmental protection, provide a harm free work place for maintenance personnel, establish an excellent appearance and give a model for other military factories, government departments and business enterprises.