Title: | 「公共工程技術資料庫整合計畫」整合性之探討 Investigation of the “Technical Database Integration Program for Public Construction Works” |
Authors: | 呂翊民 Yi-Ming Lu 王維志 Dr. Wei-Chih Wang 土木工程學系 |
Keywords: | 公共工程技術資料庫;整合性;作業資訊流程;Technical Database Integration Program;Integration;Information Flows |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 近年來政府積極推動國家重大建設工程,行政院公共工程委員會依據行政院84年所核定之「公共工程作業標準化、公開化及制度化方案」推動一系列基礎性、建設性、整體性、關連性之 『公共工程技術資料庫整合計畫』(可簡稱為四合一計畫),其間的功能架構均具有相關連的效果,因果關係相輔相成,故在推動階段中作業間的互動極為密切頻繁,必須有健全的橫向聯繫與協調始能發揮其功效。
現行之「四合一計畫」在標準化的努力已可略見(縱向整合),但是四個主軸計畫的連貫性與整合性(橫的聯繫)卻存有些許問題,本研究重點將針對「四合一計畫」的橫向聯繫面作探討,透過深入探討與問卷調查了解其整合技術上與實際推廣應用上所存在的問題,並使用Data Flow Diagrams來建立圖、說、算的作業資訊流程模式,使圖、說、算作業能在「四合一計畫」的運作下達到整合的功效,以及讓工程單位在使用時能夠瞭解「四合一計畫」的內容,並且更容易上手操作「四合一計畫」的產品。最後本研究以懸臂式擋土牆工程為案例,實際操練一遍作業之資訊流程,藉此瞭解本研究建構「四合一計畫」改善之資訊流程模式可行性程度,並同時讓使用者能夠清楚瞭解「四合一計畫」的完整作業流程。 In the recent years, Taiwanese government energetically has promoted several major construction projects. According to the schemes issued by the Executive Yuan in 1995, the Public construction Commission (PCC) started a serious of fundamental, integrated, and interrelated plans on the “Technical Database Integration Program for Public Construction Works (or termed as four-in-one plan)”. Under this integration program, each plan must horizontally and vertically connect to the other so that the program can work effectively. While the government has actively promoted this program, practitioners have criticized this four-in-one plan and argued that this program cannot support the project tendering efficiently. The objectives of this study are to in-depthly analyze the workability of these programs individually and integratedly. Such an analysis is performed by using a questionnaire survey and the Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) technique. The analysis results reveal that several drawbacks can be found in the horizontal integration between these programs. To overcome these drawbacks, this investigation further uses the DFD technique to develop an information flow model to improve the current four-in-one plan. The improved plan is expected to work successfully in generating the project tendering packages (including design plans, specifications, and estimation) automatically. The research results are demonstrated by an example of “cantilever retaining wall” construction project. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/69703 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |