標題: 智慧型代理人應用於營建採購協商之研究
Intelligent Agent Modeling for Procurement Negotiation in Construction Industry
作者: 林育群
Yu-Chun Lin
Ren-Jye Dzeng
關鍵字: 協商;智慧型代理人;遺傳演算法;Negotiation;Intelligent Agent;Genetic Algorithm
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 在現今網際網路蓬勃發展的趨勢下,為因應電子商務時代的來臨,營建業者無論在規劃設計、採購發包、施工階段等階段的相關作業均可廣泛應用網際網路,調整營建業商業機制體質、提昇技術水準和生產管理效能,以降低成本、縮短工時、提昇品質,進而增加本身競爭力為目標,因可即時快速反應而充分掌握商機。本研究將應用智慧型代理人建置一套營建採購協商系統,在協商過程中,除了考量價格因素之外,並針對了大宗採購、付款、計價、預付款、綜合採購、資源補償、地域性差價、交貨、後續合作等議題加以考慮,以遺傳演算法為基礎,建立一套與人類協商行為類似的協商機制,在雙方可接受的協商空間中,搜尋雙方效用最高的解。
The Internet has become flourishing and rising nowadays. For the age of E-commerce coming, the constructors apply the Internet to modify construction commerce, raise the level of technology and efficiency of product management in the related activities of plan, design, procurement, construction. By way of reducing cost, shortening schedule and raising quality, the constructions can increase their competition and grasp commerce chance fully because of quick respond. This research is applying the intelligent agent to build a set of construction procurement negotiation system. In the process of negotiation , this research not only discuss the price attribute, but also mass procurement, payment term, payment period, advance payment, procurement extension, resource provision. The system is on the basis of genetic algorithm to build a set of negotiation method which is like the behavior of human’s negotiation, and finds the maximum solution of utility at the negotiation zone of the two parties accepting.
Appears in Collections:Thesis