Title: 控擋片回收製程之改善方案的選擇
Selection of Alternatives for Improving Recycle Process of C/D Wafers
Authors: 簡嘉賢
Chia-Shien Chien
Muh-Cherng Wu
Keywords: 控片;擋片;清洗回收;基因演算法;邊際分配法;control wafer;dummy wafer;recycle cleaning;genetic algorithm;marginal allocation
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 控擋片回收製程之改善方案的選擇
研究生:簡嘉賢 指導教授:巫木誠 博士
lection of Alternatives for Improving Recycle Processes of C/D Wafers
Student:Chia-Shien Chien Advisor:Dr. Muh-Cherng Wu
Institute of Industrial Engineering
National Chiao Tung University
Control/dummy (C/D) wafers are used to measure the process quality in semiconductor manufacturing. C/D wafers are reusable by recycle cleaning and can be downgraded to the downstream processes. Previous studies on C/D wafers aimed to reduce the use of C/D wafers by making appropriate downgrade decisions. Yet, the yield improvement in the recycle process C/D wafers is seldom explored.
This research formulates a decision problem and proposes solution methods for the selecting the yield improvement alternatives in the C/D recycle processes. The decision problem is to determine the yield improvement targets for each recycle process in order to minimize the use of C/D wafers, under a given budget for yield improvement. The two solution methods involve a genetic algorithm and a marginal allocation algorithm. The two methods yield same solutions but the marginal allocation method is good in requiring much less computation.
key word:control wafer, dummy wafer, recycle cleaning, genetic algorithm,
marginal allocation
Appears in Collections:Thesis