標題: 以Web技術構建晶圓代工廠之線上產能抵換系統
Web-based On-Line Alternative ATP Exchanging Evaluation System Configuration for Foundry Fab
作者: 楊宗謀
Yang Chong-Mou
Dr. Der-Baau Perng
關鍵字: 訂單滿足流程;ATP;快速反應;Web-Based;Order Fulfillment Process;ATP;Quick Response;Web-Based
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 提高顧客滿意度一直是晶圓代工廠所追求的目標,而客戶與業者最主要的接觸便是集中在訂單上的往來,於是訂單滿足流程一直是企業相當重視的一環。為了加快訂單滿足的速度,快速接單機制藉由產能規劃系統計算各產品之可允若產能(Available to Promise, ATP),達到快速反應顧客下單(Quick Response)。本論文針對接單機制中,若有訂單無法滿足的部分,提出「替代性ATP產能抵換評估機制」再進行深入之流程改善分析與探討,並將重點放在資訊技術的運用與系統的建置,最後再重新建立一新的線上產能抵換系統-「替代性產能抵換系統」。主要的目標是希望使用以網路為基礎(Web-Based)的資訊技術,建構線上決策支援系統,提供管理者即時、正確、能見度高的決策資訊,以及能隨時隨地快速反應、易於操作的決策資訊系統。本研究並以Web-based技術實作一雛型系統以驗證所提線上產能抵換系統之可行性。
Improving customer satisfaction is always the target of an IC Foundry. The mainly contact between customers and the Foundry is the orders, so the order fulfillment process (OFP) becomes the most important part of the business process. To quickly response to customer orders, a quick response system which can quickly deal with the orders according to the ATP (Available to Promise) produced by capacity planning system is very important. After analyzing the OFP, this thesis proposes a web-based alternative ATP exchanging evaluation mechanism that can smoothly satisfy those orders which can not be satisfied before. The system provides proper and highly visible information to the manager immediately, and provides an on-line decision-making environment that can easily be used at anytime and anywhere. A prototype system is implemented to show the feasibility of the proposed web-based on-line alternative ATP exchanging evaluation system.