标题: 表现登革热病毒2型PL046非结构性蛋白:NS2A、NS2B、NS4A及NS4B在大肠杆菌、哺乳类细胞及真菌Pichia pastoris表现系统
Expression of Nonstructural Proteins: NS2A, NS2B, NS4A, and NS4B of Dengue Virus Type 2 PL046 in E. coli, Mammalian, and Pichia pastoris Expression Systems
作者: 徐婕琳
Hsu Jye Lin
Yang Yun Liang
关键字: 真菌;大肠杆菌;登革热病毒;非结构性蛋白;Pichia pastoris;His tag;Dengue virus;PL046 strain;nonstructural proteins
公开日期: 2002
摘要: 登革热病毒是属于黄热病毒属里的病毒,会造成许多人类的传染性疾病。在病毒蛋白质的产生过程,会先产生单一个蛋白质转译区域,再切割成11个各别的蛋白质,其中,NS2A、NS2B、NS4A及NS4B这四个蛋白质是比较小的非结构性蛋白,拥有疏水性的特性,并且可能为和膜有关的蛋白质。这四个蛋白质中,只有NS2B的功能已知,被认为是和病毒的蛋白质切割酵素NS3有关联,其他NS2A、NS4A及NS4B的特定生化功能都还没有被发现。因此,在有兴趣研究这四个蛋白的结构及功能的情况下,首先要做的就是转殖并表现这四个基因。这四个基因在大肠杆菌,真菌(P. pastoris),及哺乳类细胞中,以加上His-HA(polyhistidine-influenza hemagglutinin protein)的融合蛋白(fusion protein)形式表现。为了在不同的表现系统表现这些蛋白质,NS2A、NS2B、NS4A及NS4B的转录区域藉着RT-PCR由登革热病毒(PL046 strain)大量复制后,成功的转殖到大肠杆菌及哺乳类细胞的共同表现载体:pcDNA3,及P. pastoris表现载体:pPIC3.5。加上HA-His的NS2A、NS2B、NS4A及NS4B重组蛋白,可以在大肠杆菌的上清液(soluble fraction)以西方墨点法测得,并可以分离管柱(nickel column)加以纯化。在哺乳类细胞表现的NS2A、NS2B、及NS4A重组蛋白及在P. pastoris (KM71 strain)表现的NS2B及NS4A均可以西方墨点法测得。
Dengue virus is a member of flaviviridas, which cause many infectious diseases of human. Dengue virus encodes 11 proteins in a single open reading frame. Among them, NS2A, 2B, 4A and 4B are small non-structural proteins exhibiting conserved hydrophobicity profiles among flaviviuses, suggesting their roles as membrane-associated proteins. Only NS2B has been suggested to be involved in protease activity. Specific biological functions for NS2A, 4A and 4B have not been identified. To delineate the structure and function of these four proteins, I ttempted to establish cloning and expression of these four genes. They were initially expressed as His-HA (polyhistidine-influenza hemagglutinin protein) fusion proteins in E. coli, Pichia pastoris, and mammalian cells. For expression of these proteins in different expression systems, the coding region of NS2A, 2B, 4A and 4B were RT-PCR amplified from dengue virus type 2 PL-046 strain and were successfully cloned into pcDNA3, an E. coli/mammalian cells expression shuttle vector, and pPIC3.5, a Pichia pastoris expression vector. Recombinant proteins of NS2A, 2B, 4A and 4B fusing with HA-His tag can be detected in soluble fraction of E. coli expression system by Western blotting analysis and purified with nickel column. Protein expression of NS2A, 2B and 4A in mammalian cell and NS2B and NS4A in Pichia pastoris, KM71 was also detected by Western analysis.