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dc.contributor.authorYang-Ning Leeen_US
dc.contributor.authorCheng-Min Fengen_US
dc.contributor.authorJen-Jia Linen_US
dc.description.abstract傳統生產要素的土地、勞力、資本雖對經濟發展功不可沒,但供給與生產力的提升仍有其極限,經濟成長必然停滯,因此,先進國家的經濟與產業發展基礎逐漸擺脫實體物質的加工生產,轉而強調以非實體知識資本作為創造附加價值的重要來源。由於知識對經濟發展的重要性漸增,而空間知識正外部性的存在,使接近知識生產者的地區或廠商能獲得知識外溢效果而增加知識存量,進而促進創新與生產。知識基礎設施是「知識」創造的主要來源,因此,接近知識設施的空間近便性成為吸收知識外溢效果的關鍵要素。過去文獻探討影響知識外溢效果的因素多著墨於知識設施基礎研究、研發活動與地理空間,而忽略交通可及性因素,以致無法瞭解運輸部門在知識經濟發展策略上應扮演的角色,有待深入釐清。 本研究目的係以可及性觀念探討空間的知識外溢效果與知識生產的關係,即以實證研究確認知識可及性對創新的影響,並將實證結果應用於知識經濟政策之規劃。實證研究利用民國85年與90年台灣北部區域鄉鎮市區的電子產業為樣本資料,建立知識生產的多元迴歸模式,考量應變數為專利數,自變數為高等教育人口數、同業場所單位數(電子產業)、異業關聯產業場所單位數與知識可及性。模式校估透過迴歸係數統計推論、共線性、自我相關、殘差變異數同質性與誤差常態分配等檢定,修正後確認模式為最佳線性不偏估計式。繼而以宜蘭縣為對象進行模式應用實例分析,設定各種高等教育政策與運輸政策的情境,探討各項政策規劃對宜蘭縣知識發展與創新的影響,並據以提出知識經濟政策規劃之建議。 實證結果發現以下結論:一是知識可及性對創新有正向影響,二是知識外溢效果有一定的空間範圍,三是學術機構對創新的影響力大於研究機構,最後是知識外溢效果會因都市發展程度不同而有顯著差異。高等教育人口數與同業場所單位數對專利數為正向相關,異業場所單位數則為負向相關,大學與研究機構可及性亦為正向相關;顯示改善可及性能促進知識外溢效果,且對創新有正向影響。針對宜蘭縣之實例分析,本研究建議爭取知識經濟建設方案之優先順序為:新設大學院校、聯外交通改善、縣內交通改善,並應整合知識設施與運輸建設以提高知識外溢效果並促進創新發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAlthough the traditional factors of production, such as land, labor and capital, are helpful to economic development, their contributions to the increase of supply and productivity are limited. Therefore, the advanced nations has moved toward creating more added values on industry development by the capital of knowledge. Since the importance of knowledge-based economy is increasing and the spatial externality of knowledge is significant, the firms near the knowledge creator can catch knowledge spillover effects and enhance the growth of innovation and production. Knowledge infrastructure is the main source of knowledge creation. Therefore, proximity to the knowledge infrastructure is a key factor in catching knowledge spillover effects. Many researches had discussed the influences of knowledge infrastructure, private research and geographical consistency on knowledge spillover effects, but ignored the influences of traffic accessibility. The role of transportation infrastructure in knowledge-based economy development then is still an unexplored issue. This study aims to explore the effects of knowledge accessibility on the innovation of electronic industry and apply the empirical results to analyze the planning of knowledge-based economy policy. The samples were investigated in the north region of Taiwan in 1996 and 2001 and were analyzed by multiple regression model, of which number of the patent is the dependent variable and the number of high education population, the number of firms of electronic industry, the number of firms of the industry related to electronic industry and knowledge accessibility are independent variables. According to the statistical test of regression coefficient, collinearity, autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity and residual distribution, the best linear unbiased estimator was reached. The case study on I-Lan County was done to analyze the effects of various education and transportation policies on the industrial innovation. The empirical results reach the following conclusions: First, the improvement of accessibility significantly creates positive knowledge spillover effects. Second, the knowledge spillover effects are significantly working in a distance limitation of 20~30 km. Third, the accessibility of college creates more spillover effects than the accessibility of R&D. Finally, the spillover effects in metropolitan area are significantly different to that of non-metropolitan area. The case study concludes that the order of policy priority in I-Lan County should be: new college setting, improvement of external transportation and improvement of internal transportation.en_US
dc.subjectknowledge spilloveren_US
dc.subjectmultiple regressionen_US
dc.titleThe Effects of Knowledge Accessibility on the Innovation - A Case Study of Electronic Industry in Northern Taiwan Regionen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis