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dc.contributor.authorEric Liuen_US
dc.description.abstract知識經濟潮流下競爭漸趨激烈,保有領先之技術才是維持國家或企業核心競爭力的要點所在。台灣大多數的企業均屬於中小企業,由於中小企業在研發能力與經費等方面的限制,為因應市場激烈競爭,透過企業外部管道來取得所需技術變得更為重要。近年來國際間的技術貿易的日益興盛,我國企業與國外企業的技術交易也日漸頻繁,於是經濟部於民國90年11月設立台灣技術交易市場整合服務中心(TWTM),期望提供國內各機構技術資訊及技術交易媒合的服務,並藉由此管道和國外技術資源接軌。 我國在技術交易機構在發展之初,在許多方面有需要學習改善之處,因此本研究藉由文獻探討與國外技術交易中介機構的個案資料分析為基礎,再加上與相關領域專家訪談的意見,以情境預測方法,目的在於推演出三到五年後台灣技術交易環境的可能發展情境,技術中介交易機構在不同情境中的發展型態以及所應注意的關鍵因素。 經研究的結果,找出發展技術交易中介機構的重要趨勢:政府單位訂定規範技術交易相關的法令與激勵優惠措施,技術交易中介機構須建立良好的信用風評,以及主動地連結技術交易市場中的技術供給與需求者。其次,並推演出四種技術交易中介機構可能的發展情境與型態:集中優勢服務項目朝向商業化型態發展;涵括較廣服務功能朝向商業化型態發展;由政府提供政策與資金協助技術交易中介機構;政府成立並主導技術交易中介機構運作。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractCompetitions under the knowledge-based economy are getting fierce. To keep the competitiveness of a nation or an enterprise, it is important to possess leading-edge technologies. Most enterprises in Taiwan are small-and-medium-sized enterprises. For those enterprises, due to their limited resources on R&D and finance, it is very critical for them to acquire needed technologies via outside sources. In recent years, technology transactions around the world has become a common practice, and so is the situation in Taiwan, especially the technology transactions often occur between local and foreign enterprises. As a result, the Ministry of Economic Affairs offers a program to implement Taiwan Technology Marketplace (TWTM) in November, 2001. The mission of TWTM is to provide technology information, promote technology transaction, and access to foreign technology sources. Taiwan has just set up the technology transaction intermediary for a short period of time, therefore, we have to learn and make progress in several aspects. This study combines the surveys, the case analysis of foreign technology transaction intermediaries, and the opinions of experts in related fields as a base, using the method of scenario analysis to reach the research aims: To forecast and portray the probable circumstances of technology transaction in Taiwan in the next three to five years, the feasible development of technology transaction intermediaries and the associated key successful factors. The results show some important tendencies in the development of technology transaction intermediaries: Government is responsible to enact the regulations and preferential treatments for technology transaction. Technology transaction intermediaries are deemed to build reputation and credibility, as well as to aggressively match the needs between suppliers and demanders in the market. In addition, this study also presents four types of technology transaction intermediaries: Commercialized intermediaries with specific business focuses;commercialized intermediaries with wide range services; government-supported intermediaries with capital and policy means; and government-owned - and -operated intermediaries.en_US
dc.subjectTaiwan technology market (TWTM)en_US
dc.subjecttechnology transactionen_US
dc.subjecttechnology transaction marketen_US
dc.subjecttechnology transaction intermediaryen_US
dc.subjectscenario analysisen_US
dc.titleDevelopment of Technology Transaction Intermediariesen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis