標題: 我國實施行動電話號碼可攜之效益分析
A Benefit Analysis of Implementing Number Portability for Mobile Services in Taiwan
作者: 牛延莉
Yien-li Niu
Dr. Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 行動電話;號碼可攜;效益分析;Mobile Number Portability;Number Portability;Benefit Analysis
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 我國已於2002年5月開放固網號碼可攜,為排除消費者轉換行動電話業者的障礙、保障消費者權益並促進市場自由競爭,電信主管機關要求行動業者也應儘速提供行動號碼可攜服務。
The goal of this research was to analyze the benefits and costs of implementing MNP in Taiwan. The mobile phone users in Taiwan were surveyed to find out the economic values of the mobile phone numbers. Telecommunications equipment vendors and mobile system operators were interviewed to estimate the cost of implementing MNP in Taiwan.
The survey results showed that the average economic value of a mobile phone number to a Taiwanese consumer was 2,746 NT dollars. The total benefit of MNP reached 61,704 million NT dollars. The estimated cost to the mobile operators was 2,400 million NT. Consequently, there existed positive benefits of implementing MNP in Taiwan.
The charges operators can levy on porting mobile numbers often cause disputes. This research suggested that the MNP system set-up cost and conveyance cost should be born by operators themselves. Port-out operator demanding ported customers to pay is not allowed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis