標題: 低溫陶瓷共燒平衡式頻率雙工器模組
The Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic Balanced Diplexer Module
作者: 余思嫻
Szu-Hsien Yu
Chi-Yang Chang
關鍵字: 低溫共燒陶瓷平衡式頻率雙工器模組;雙工器;帶通濾波器;低通濾波器;平衡轉換器;LTCC balanced diplexer module;diplexer;band-pass filter;low-pass filter;balun
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 在本論文中,利用高介電係數(33)及低損耗性的低溫共燒陶瓷材料,設計小尺寸及低損耗的平衡式頻率雙工器模組。此低溫共燒陶瓷平衡式頻率雙工器模組包含雙工器、帶通濾波器、低通濾波器、平衡轉換器,並符合IEEE 802.11a (5.2GHz、5.7GHz)與802.11b (2.4 GHz)無線區域網路系統的規格要求。在此,我們利用m-derived基本原理設計低通濾波器,帶通濾波器則是使用三階交錯耦合架構,使得低頻訊號、二倍頻和三倍頻訊號有較佳的抑制效果。最後,利用傳輸線連接低通和帶通濾波器設計雙工器,並且連接帶通濾波器和平衡轉換器,以完成模組設計。
This thesis presents a small-size and low-insertion-loss balanced diplexer module by using LTCC technique. This module comprises two diplexers, five bandpass filters, a lowpass filter, and two baluns. The circuit components will use LTCC material with high dielectric permittivity (33) and low dielectric loss. The diplexer module will meet IEEE 802.11a(5.2GHz、5.7GHz) and 802.11b(2.4GHz) wireless LAN’s specifications. In order to save space, LTCC balance diplexer module will be integrated with surface-mounted MMIC switch. The lowpass filter is designed based on the theory of the m-derived filter. The bandpass filter is a three-pole combline filter with cross-coupled capacitances. The diplexer is composed of two transmission lines, a lowpass filter, and a bandpass filter. Last, we connect the bandpass filter and baluns together to complete the designs.


  1. 355401.pdf

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