Title: 管絃樂曲《詩》及其創作理念
“ Poem ”for Orchestra and its Musical Idea
Authors: 林怡君
Yi-Chun Lin
Dr. Tsung-Hsien Yang
Keywords: 音樂引用;詮釋循環;蒙太奇;music quotation;hermeneutical circle;Montage
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本論文由兩個部分構成包括管絃樂曲《詩》以及關於此首作品之創作理念、理論基礎、寫作方式等文字陳述。 《詩》是一首單一樂章的管絃樂曲。全曲中,藉由「詩」這樣的一種文學形式意識到自己與外在世界的對立,一方面透過意識認識世界,一方面反射出心靈世界中的意象同時探尋內心的期待。我將試圖以「引用」來建立音樂的事件,並藉此展現一種或獨立或融合的美感觀照,即使在片刻它脫離了當下的情境脈絡,一樣能夠賦予我們對其美感之經驗。本作品肇始於對「引用」的意象,以感覺的形式相聯繫,從特定的角度去感知,而產生不同的詮釋。 文字部分分為五章:第一章介紹《詩》的創作動機,說明「引用」的本質,並且成為音樂創作的情感依據。第二章是針對各文類中「引用」現相的探討,闡述「引用」的本質。第三章藉由「引用」在音樂作品的出現探討所衍生之音樂文本外意。第四章詳述《詩》中,各段落之意念與音樂上的設計。第五章則是對於本論文之總結。
This thesis consists of two parts: the musical composition “poem”, and the written statement about the compositional motive and idea in this piece. There is one movement in the composition, which is scored for an orchestra. In the main idea, the literature style of “poem” is employed to reflect the opposing situation between my inner world and the outer environment. On the one hand I intend to perceive the surroundings through consciousness, and on the other I aim to reflect the image and expectations in my mind. In the creating process, quotation is utilized to represent either the independence or coherence of the aesthetic concerns. Although the quoted sections will lead us to their original context, they can allow us to experience the aesthetics in the composition. The thesis is organized as follows﹕ Chapter 1 introduces the creating motive. Chapter 2 discusses the quotation in other literatures. Chapter 3 describes the extra-musical meanings using quotations. Chapter 4 details the musical ideas in each section. Chapter 5 draws the conclusions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis