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dc.contributor.authorChia-Yu Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣的高等教育發展在光復之後,歷經創立階段(1945~1953)、成長階段(1954~1972)、整頓階段(1973~1985)、擴充階段(西元1986~1993)、轉型階段(1994迄今)。由菁英專屬到大眾廣泛的高等教育擴充,顯示高等教育發展的重要性與日俱增。 1996至2002年間為台灣高等教育的轉型時期,高等教育的擴充多由私立大學院校完成,高等教育機構數量明顯增加,此為高等教育的縱向轉型。此外,我國大學校院的發展更是面臨前所未有的轉型衝擊,因為加入WTO的影響、大學整併計畫的進行,及大學分類型態的規劃,形成另一波橫向轉型的風潮。在台灣高等教育轉型的現象中,值得討論的是,這些升格轉型的「新大學」在名稱改變之後,校長是如何領導學校運作以領導轉型?在整併風潮之下,大學校長是否具備促使組織轉型的領導能力?其領導效能如何?此為本研究之核心問題。 研究樣本類型有二:(1)自1996至2002年間升格改制的專科校院,包括公私立科技大學、私立技術學院,(2)2002年間依據「規劃因應高等教育發展專案小組研議報告」公佈「推動研究型大學整合計畫」,以校內整合和校際整合計劃,通過教育部審核的7所國立大學(台灣大學以校內整合計畫,由清華、交通、中央及陽明四所國立大學組成之台灣聯合大學系統、推動校際整合計劃之成功大學和中山大學),以了解大學校院校長在學校轉型期間,運用轉型領導的情形與其領導效能,得出研究結果,並作解釋與說明。 本研究使用研究工具為問卷調查與訪談記錄,先後寄發紙本問卷與電子問卷共1400份,有效回收問卷332份,運用單一樣本獨立性考驗(t-test)、皮爾森積差相關(Pearson correlation)、單變量單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)、線性回歸與多元逐步回歸(linear regression、multiple regression)等統計方法進行考驗。 本研究根據統計分析與訪談結果,得到結論如下: 一、 大學現況調查表,具可用之信度與效度,可提供往後相關量表編製參考。 二、 大學校院行政人員現況知覺、校長轉型領導行為、校長領導效能三者間具有中度至高度相關。 三、 大學校院行政人員之現況知覺不受到學校環境變項的影響。 四、 大學校院校長之轉型領導行為受學校環境變項之影響,因學校性質、校長任期年資、學生人數而有所差異。 五、 大學校長之領導效能知覺受學校環境、校長任期年資、行政人員年資與職稱等因素影響而有所不同。 六、 大學校長轉型領導行為中之「願景」、「魅力」特質,對於校長之領導效能具有預測作用。 最後依據分析與研究結論提出下列三項層面之建議: 一、 高等教育行政機關方面: (1) 教育部宜進行大學校長轉型領導知能之推廣與研習活動。 (2) 發展規劃大學轉型評鑑指標與籌畫校長領導效能之評鑑。 二、 大學校院校長方面: (1)將轉型領導的「願景、個人魅力、個別關懷、激勵、智識啟發」五項特質,列為遴選與徵聘公私立大學校長時的重要參考條件。 (2)鼓勵校長運用轉型領導特質,促使學校成功轉型與提升領導效能。 三、 往後研究方面: (1) 設法擴大研究樣本與發展更適宜之研究工具。 (2)儘早成立高等教育研究資料庫,充實研究資料,發展研究工具,協 助往後研究之進行。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince 1945 higher education in Taiwan’s has been developed through the establishment stage ( 1945-1953), the growth stage ( 1954-1972), the refinement stage (1973-1985), the expansion stage (1986-1993), and the transformation stage (1994 to present). The higher education has expanded from elite to mass. It shows that the development of higher education is getting more and more important in Taiwan. During the period from 1994 to 2002, the expansion of higher education have been accomplished by both universities and junior colleges. The Ministry of Education (MOE) reformed educational system by renaming Institute of Technology to University of Technology and by upgrading Junior College to Institute of Technology since 1996. It resulted in an astonishing increase on the number of institutions of higher education. This is the vertical transformation of higher education in Taiwan. Besides, due to Taiwan jointed into the World Trade Organization (WTO) and encouraged the merger plan of national research universities in 2001, the development of universities and colleges faced the unprecedented transformational impact. This is the horizontal transformation of higher education in Taiwan. Specifically speaking, the issues below are worth to discuss under the phenomenon of higher education transformation in Taiwan:How does the president lead the university or college after these so called “new university”or “new college”have been renamed? Under the universities and colleges merger tide, does the president lead the organization to transformation? What will be the effectiveness of leadership of the president ? This paper is designed to explore these core issues. To study the president`s transformational leadership and his effectiveness of leadership during transformational period, the researcher surveyed by questionnaires to all the universities ,colleges and junior colleges, which included upgraded to institutes of technology during the period from 1996 to 2002.The collected data is analyzed by applying approach of Pearson correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression through the static software of SPSS version 10.0. After the description and explanation of the findings ,The conclusions are as follow: 1. The survey of university current situation shows available reality and validity, it can be thought for further, advanced study. 2. President’s transformation leadership shows correlation to administration stuff’s awareness of current situation and to prisident’s effectiveness of leadership. 3. Administration stuff’s awareness of current situation shows sightly difference on university environmental variation. 4. In university environmental variation aspect, president’s transformation leadership is affected significantly by the university type、president term year、and student members. 5. Administration stuff’s awareness of president’s effectiveness of leadership is affected significantly by the university type、president term year、 and administration stuff’s work year. 6. In president’s transformation leadership, “vision” and “chrisma” traits are highly predictable to prisident’s effectiveness of leadership. The study makes three-dimension suggestions as following: 1.Suggestions to Ministry of Education in Taiwan: (1)To plan the advanced activitives and seminars for president’s transformation leadership. (2)To develop the indicators of evaluation for university transformation and for president’s effectiveness of leadership 2. Suggestions to universities: (1)To list the “vision” ,“chrisma”, “individual consideration”, “motivation”, and “intellectual stimulation ” as key elements for selecting new president. (2)To consider the five key elements are necessary for president’s transformation leadership. 3. Suggestions to further study: (1)To enlarge the research sample and improve research tool. (2)To establish“ the research database center of Taiwan higher education ”. Key words:Taiwan、higher education、vertical transformation、horizontal transformation、transformational leadership、the effectiveness of leadershipen_US
dc.subjecthigher educationen_US
dc.subjectvertical transformationen_US
dc.subjecthorizontal transformationen_US
dc.subjecttransformational leadershipen_US
dc.subjectthe effectiveness of leadershipen_US
dc.titleThe Study of Relationship among President`s Transformational Leadership and Effectiveness of Leadership at Universities in Taiwanen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis