标题: | 我国大学校院整并策略与行政运作之研究 The Study of Strategies for Universities Merger and the Following Administration in Taiwan |
作者: | 吕巧华 Chiao Hua Lu 黄坤锦 教育研究所 |
关键字: | 大学整并;大学系统;大学整并策略;大学整并行政运作;universities merger;university system;Strategies for Universities Merger;Universities Merger and the Following Administration |
公开日期: | 2002 |
摘要: | 国立交通大学教育研究所九十二年度硕士论文摘要 论文名称:我国大学校院整并策略 指导教授:黄坤锦博士 与行政运作之研究 研 究 生:吕 巧 华 【中文摘要】 新的时代特征和变化正在重新塑造高等教育体系的变革,以适应时代要求。大学为孕育观念、思想及知识之主要场所,也是培养富有创造力人才之场所,世界各国莫不以追求卓越为发展重点。为整合教育资源,提升大学之国际竞争力,教育部颁布大学整并计画,鼓励学校进行校内及校际整合,以利资源之有效运用,然目前学校之整并仍无实质之行政运作方式,因此,本研究旨在探讨目前我国大学校院整并的现况及其行政问题,并透过问卷及访谈方式,分析学校中不同职称者对大学整并后行政上的意见,研拟适合我国大学合并及大学系统之行政运作模式,以做为教育行政机关及学校发展之参考。 研究范围包括七所与大学整并相关之学校,研究对象包括:学术主管、教师及一般行政人员。问卷共回收310份,运用独立样本t考验、单因子变异数分析及卡方分配进行考验,并进行质性访谈,以求深入瞭解。 研究发现与结果,经讨论探究,获得重要结论如下: 一、大学之形式整并容易,实质之融合困难,学校之人员,除理性的思考外,也有情绪性的因素,而限制整并之发展。 二、综合大学、师范大学及科技大学三种类型的学校,均能体认到人口出生率的降低及WTO之冲击等外在环境因素对于学校的冲击,而朝向转型发展。 三、行政人员的配置问题,涉及生存及工作权,因此,行政人员配置首重者为其就业辅导与安抚。 四、联合大学系统之评鉴,需重新拟定评鉴指标,包括:资源整合之成效、各校之发展、教授学术研究及学生学习等。 五、联合大学系统内之各校,将联合招生、校际转系、交换学生、跨校修读辅系及直升博士、合办跨校研究所;唯目前较易施行者为交换学生、甄试学生联合招生、通识课程之互相选修;最难推行者为联合招生部分。 最后,本研究针对大学校院的整并策略及行政运作方式之意见,提出具体之建议如下: 一、大学校长之领导、处室单位调整及行政主管之产生宜以法治而非人制。 二、学校合并,成为一所“新大学”之后,其校长之产生方式,应以新大学校长遴聘方式为主,由教育部组成校长遴选委员会选聘。至于副校长之选任,由校长选择适任之教授聘任,并依校区需要,每一个校区配置一位副校长。 三、学校合并后,一般行政人员若没有通过国家考试资格者,学校可依人员需求多寡而予以续聘或不续聘;通过考试资格者,若人员过多则可辅导其转换工作形式。 四、大学系统的整合,宜设置总校长且功能为最高决策者,综理联合大学系统之整合事宜及发展,功能与各校之校长不同,宜应厘清,并加重权责。 五、我国大学整并的内涵,较侧重学校行政组织的变革,未来大学整并之后,学校各处室单位、各级首长、教职员工及课程等均需作一重组。 【关键字】 大学整并、大学系统、大学整并策略、大学整并行政运作 The Study of Strategies for Universities Merger and the Following Administration in Taiwan Chiao Hua Lu ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the merger strategies and the following administration in merger-oriented universities and colleges in Taiwan. The study analyzed the opinions from people at different administration positions by questionnaire and interview to understand the present situation and problems for merger-oriented universities. Furthermore, the study intends to provide useful implications for governing the process of universities merger. The questionnaires were mailed to university presidents, dean of academic affairs, dean of student affairs, dean of general affairs, head of departments, professors and basic administrators. The samples related to universities merger came from five universities, a normal university and a technologic university. A total of 310 questionnaires were received and treated. Distribution of frequency, one-way ANOVA, factor analysis and chi-square were used for data analysis through the static software of SPSS version 10.0. After the description and discussion of the findings, the conclusions were as the following: 1. It is limited the development of universities merger because of professors and administrators are interfered with their emotion. It is easy to merge in form, but the essence integrate is difficult. 2. No university can be isolated from its environment. Universities are all affected by and changed according to environmental factors. 3. It is important things to arrange the basic administrators on advantage of while university merger. 4. A new university system should devise a new regulation to assess the effects of the new system, including the effects of resources consolidation, the university system achievements in the future, the professors’ research and students’ learning achievements. 5. The university system can enroll new students collectively, exchange of students, intercollegiate studies and enroll doctor's degree directly. The suggests were as the following: 1. The administration in merger-oriented universities such as the leadership of university president, the change of an organization and the election of departments’ heads would rather administer the rules by law not by men. 2. When universities merge to form a new university, the ministry of education should appoint a new president. Then the new president appoints vice president in each campus. 3. In the merged universities, only the administrators who pass a national test are guaranteed a permanent position. 4. In the university system, it is need to set a chancellor. The job of chancellor is the highest director whose position is different from universities presidents. 5. The implication of universities merger should more emphasis on the transform of administration. After merger, organization and administration should recombine. 【key word】universities merger, university system, Strategies for Universities Merger, Universities Merger and the Following Administration |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/70026 |
显示于类别: | Thesis |