Title: 應用傳輸錯誤更正具精細伸縮特性之視訊可靠多點傳輸
FGS Reliable Multicast Applying FEC
Authors: 林瀚宗
Hang-Chung Lin
Suh-Yin Lee
Keywords: 可靠多點傳輸;傳輸錯誤更正;具精細伸縮特性之視訊;reliable multicast;FEC;FGS
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 即時影像傳輸在眾多的網際網路多媒體應用中,是一個非常重要的組成要件。視訊串流由於其即時傳輸的特性,對網路頻寬、封包延遲以及封包遺失必須有特定的要求。然而,現今的網際網路對於視訊串流並不提供服務品質的保證,因此,為了達到上述的需求,我們必須把壅塞控制以及錯誤控制列入考量。
Delivery of real-time video over the Internet is an important component of many Internet multimedia applications. Due to its real-time nature, video streaming typically has special requirements on bandwidth, delay and loss. However, the current best-effort Internet does not offer any quality of service (QoS) guarantees for video streaming over the Internet. Thus, we have to take congestion control and error control into consideration in order to meet the requirements mentioned above.
The purpose of congestion control is to prevent packet loss and the goal of error control is to recover packet loss. In order to achieve congestion control, we adopt a new video compression framework called Fine Granular Scalability(FGS) which is capable of supporting a wide range of bandwidth-variation scenarios and being resilient to packet loss. Besides, since IP multicast is designed for efficiency and scalability, we utilize this technology as a means to transport video data.
However, error control still needs to be concerned for IP multicast. In this paper, we present a reliable multicast video streaming system—FGS Reliable Multicast Applying FEC(Forward Error Correction). The characteristics of the system include: (1) a novel application-level protocol which can support loss recovery, (2) a buffer architecture which can access the video data quickly and help loss recovery, (3) some reliable mechanisms which integrate FEC and retransmission to achieve the saving of loss recovery time and network bandwidth usage.
Finally, via experiments, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed system to show that it indeed provides high reliability in real-time video delivery.
Appears in Collections:Thesis