標題: 建構一個劇本驅動工作流程為基應用程式的測試環境
Constructing a Scenario-driven Workflow-based Application Testing Environment
作者: 許懷中
Hwai-jung Hsu
Dr. Feng-Jian Wang
關鍵字: 工作流程管理系統;劇本;測試;工作流程為基應用程式;Workflow Management System (WfMS);Scenario;Testing;Workflow-based Application
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 由於工作流程管理聯合(WfMC)的努力,廣為企業所採用的工作流程管理系統(WfMS)技術日漸成熟,由於越來越多以工作流程管理系統平台為基礎的電子化軟體,所以有必要找出更注重工作流程為基應用程式特色的開發方法。這篇論文提出了一個可以用於工作流程為基應用程式測試的劇本驅動,客戶的需求將會以使用者故事的型態進行描述,皆下來這些故事會被記錄成劇本,而這些劇本也將成為測試的依據。藉由劇本的快速演出,應用程式開發者將與客戶達成共識;藉由分析這些劇本,開發者也可以取得開發應用程式所需要的資訊;應用程式測試者則根據劇本撰寫測試計畫並藉由執行劇本來進行測試,應用程式與其需求之間的差異將可以在其中被釐清與追蹤,同時整個應用程式的功能也得以展現。 本論文也設計了一個支援上述方法的測試環境原型,整合了劇本快速演出與管理工具的這個環境將可以被用來建構、分析、執行劇本以及產生可以用來評估劇本執行狀況的執行報告;最後本論文則描述了一個範例工作流程為基應用程式,以用來展現上述方法與環境的可行性。
With efforts of Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC), the techniques of Workflow Management System (WfMS) widely adopted among enterprises are getting matured. With more and more e-software based on WfMS platforms, a methodology laying more focuses on developing workflow-based applications is necessary. This thesis presents a scenario-driven methodology for testing of workflow-based applications. Requirements of the customer would be told as user stories, be recorded as scenarios and be the sources of tests. The developer and the customer reach their agreement through performing scenarios called Scenario Quick Play. The information necessary for development of the application are extracted through analysis of the scenarios. The tester plans tests in terms of scenarios. Through testing with scenario execution, the differences of the application from requirements are tracked and the whole picture of the system is demonstrated. A testing environment supporting the methodology is prototyped. With the environment the scenarios can be constructed, analyzed and executed, and the execution of scenarios could be evaluated with execution reports. A Scenario Quick Player and Scenario Management tools are also integrated. At mean time, a sample workflow-based application is also built to show the feasibility of the methodology and the environment.