Title: 自動解析英文文件中的代名詞指代問題
Automatic Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in English Texts
Authors: 吳典松
Dian-Song Wu
Tyne Liang
Keywords: 指代解析;anaphora resolution
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 指代問題是一個存在於語段中的普遍現象,同時也是自然語言處理應用上的一個重要議題。傳統的做法上是利用語法、語意及語用上的線索來辨識指代詞所指的先行詞。在本篇論文中,我們利用電子詞彙資源-詞網所建構而成的知識與經驗法則來消解英文語段中產生的指代現象,找出在單句中或句子與句子間的參考關係。分析本文前後名詞和動詞間的階層關係以取得生命實體訊息,同時藉由辨識語段中的生命實體及虛詞的出現來提升整體消解結果的準確性。
Anaphora is a common phenomenon in discourses as well as an important research issue in the applications of natural language processing. Traditionally, anaphora resolution systems rely on syntactic, semantic or pragmatic clues to identify the antecedent of an anaphor. In this thesis, the resolution of anaphora is achieved by employing WordNet ontology and heuristic rules. The proposed system identifies both intra-sentential and inter-sentential antecedents of anaphors. Information about animacy is obtained by analyzing the hierarchical relation of nouns and verbs in the surrounding context. The identification of animacy entities and pleonastic-it usage in English discourses are employed to promote the resolution accuracy.
Appears in Collections:Thesis