標題: 人類決策行為驅動力的研究–以大學生為例
Research on the Driving Force for Human Decision Making – A Case of University Students
作者: 盧冠宇
Kuan-Yu Lu
Po-Lung Yu
關鍵字: 習慣領域;決策行為;大學生;Habitual Domain;Decision Making;College Student
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本論文依據習慣領域學說所闡述,每個人有形無形地都擁有其各自的生活目標,並且隨時不斷的在做情況評估,當生活目標和情況評估之間產生不利偏差時,就會產生壓力或是驅策力讓人感受到刺激或是不適感,因此我們的注意力就會放在影響我們壓力結構最大的那一件事情上面,並且依照最小阻力原則來採取行動並解除壓力。 為了印證習慣領域學說,於是我們有系統地收集了總共1082份問卷,以便瞭解在台灣的大學生及研究生,如何分配他們的各種日常生活活動的作息時間(注意力調度和外顯行為),以及生活目標的驅策力(壓力結構)的大小,和對生活目標的重要性感受程度(目標建立)。 這總共超出一千份的問卷,其中有三百多份來自於網路使用者的回答,其它則是請各個大專院校的教授分發給同學填寫;為了使用網路問卷,我們特別設計了一個問卷填答系統,此問卷系統的設計和建立,是希望將來可以被善用,讓大學生和研究生可以警覺自己的生活目標和瞭解自己時間的分配,而使自己在時間管理上,能夠產生更有效率的分配方法。 我們除了抽樣調查報告整體大學生生活目標的建立、壓力結構的分配、及理想的時間分配外,我們也分析了不同族群,在目標建立、壓力結構和情況評估的差異性,如男女同學的差異、成績好壞的差異等等。這結果除了可提供為大學教育的改進方向,也讓大學生可以自我警覺,以提高時間管理的效能。 我們的研究除了可提供給教授、校務人員和大學生做為參考之外,也可讓企業經營者對大學畢業生的習性和特點有著更進一步的瞭解,亦或是也可成為大學或是社會上的諮商人士工作研究上的參考。 雖然如此,我們的網路問卷設計仍然尚有許多可以改進及發展的地方,例如可以做為將來對不同社會人士族群,如職業別、宗教別、經濟別等等的問卷調查的參考,雖然不同族群的生活時間分配皆有著或多或少的差異,但人類的七大生活目標是不會改變的,因此可以從這七大目標去延伸出不同的生活細項出來探討。
This thesis is based on the theories of Habitual Domain. Everyone has his own life goals and continually perform state evaluations. When the life goals and state evaluation produce unfavorable discrepancy, it will create charge. The totally of all charges created by all events is called the charge structure. Our attention will be located to the event that has maximum impact on our charge structure. We take action and release charge by the least resistance principle. In order to show the theories of Habitual Domain, we systematically collected 1082 samples to understand the behaviors of college undergraduate and graduate students in Taiwan, to know how they allocate their time over a variety of events everyday, and to understand the driving forces and the importance level of the their life goals There are more than 1000 samples including more than 300 samples from internet users and those distributed by university’s professors. In order to facilitate internet survey, we designed a special internet survey system. This system can be used to make us more aware of our own life goals and our daily time allocation. It can make us more productive on time management. Our research can be useful to professors, school administration staffs, and undergraduate students. It can help corporation managers and college counselors to understand students’ habitual behavior pattern. There are many ways to improve our internet survey system. For example, it can be modified to fit different reference group classified by occupation, religion, economic situation…etc. Although different groups have different patterns of time allocation, the human’s seven life goals are the same. We can derive from the seven life goals we can derive many different patterns of behaviors.