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dc.contributor.authorMao-Chuan Leeen_US
dc.contributor.authorKai Kaoen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著臺灣國民所得提高,國內的汽、機車也日益增加,但政府興建道路的速度卻遠不及汽、機車增加的速度,因而想藉由增加道路容量,消除道路擁擠程度,似乎是遙不可及的,唯有從需求面著手,才能減少都會區交通擁擠之問題。本研究藉由比較臺北都會區以及新竹市,各種運具的使用狀況,探討是否會因臺北都會區捷運的營運,而使民眾使用大眾運輸的比例及意願增加,另外瞭解新竹市也是否會因捷運尚未興建營運,而使得私人運具擁有及使用,相對於臺北都會區,更加普遍與頻繁。最後提供解決都會區交通壅塞的對策與意見,作為政府施政之參考,也提供相關研究問題與方向,作為學術研究之參考。 研究結果顯示,當大眾運輸的服務水準與品質提昇時,確實能降低民眾擁有與購買汽車的意願,更能吸引民眾搭乘,達到抒解都會區道路擁擠的目標。在性別上,男性比女性更偏好私人運具、更少用大眾運輸;家中有私人運具的大學生,本身也更想擁有私人運具;對於汽、機車具有偏好的大學生,也更有意願購買汽、機車。地區別方面,不同地區對於汽車擁有上並不顯著,但因臺北都會區大眾運輸系統發達,故使用大眾運輸比例也比新竹市高。最後若改善大眾運輸系統下,有超過八成大學生,願意減少私人運具擁有與使用,因此可看出,解決都會區交通擁擠的良策,確實須從改善大眾運輸系統做起。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe private vehicle ownership in Taiwan increases as national income increases, while the speed of road construction can not catch up the speed of increases in automobiles and motorcycles. Thus, it seems impossible to reduce the degree of road congestion by the way of increasing road capacity. The only possible way is transport demand management. This study compares the usage of various modes in Taipei metropolitan area and Hsinchu City. Investigating whether the operation of Taipei Mass Transit has increased the proportion and willingness of people to use public transit, and in the meantime, trying to find out whether people in Hsinchu City has larger ownership and usage of private vehicles due to the lack of mass transit system. Finally, strategies and suggestions for mitigating traffic congestion are provided for government reference, and relevant study problems and directions are provided for academic research. The study results indicate that, as the service level and quality of public transit improving, people’s willingness of owning and purchasing automobile can be lowered, and it does attract people to ride more, thus achieving the goal of relieving road congestion in metropolitan area. As to the aspect of gender, male is found out to be more preferable of private vehicles than female, and uses less public transit. College students with private vehicle ownership at home are more preferable to have vehicles own by themselves. The students with preference of automobile and motorcycle ownership tend to have more willingness to purchase the vehicles. There is no significant difference in automobile ownership among different regions. However, the proportion of people who are willing to use public transit is higher in Taipei than that in Hsinchu. And finally, more than eighty percent of college students are willing to reduce the ownership and usage of private vehicles, in case that public transit has been improving. So we conclude that the best way of solving traffic congestion problem is to improve public transit system.en_US
dc.subjectprivate vehicle ownershipen_US
dc.subjectpublic transit provisionen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Relationship between Public Transit Provision and Private Vehicle Ownership: a Case Study of College Students in Taipei Metropolitan Area and Hsinchu Cityen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis