Title: | 微觀汽機車混合車流模式之研究 The study on microscopic mixed traffic flow model |
Authors: | 何佳娟 Chia Chuan Ho 王晉元 Jinyuan Wang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 微觀;車流;車流模擬;交通控制;microscopic simulation |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 發展車流模擬系統之目的為期望藉由車流預測輔以交通管理策略之應用,使得因尖峰時間而造成之擁塞問題與社會成本降至最低。然因真實車流車流資料不易取得,故有賴交通模擬器產生車流資料用以進行上述研究之驗證工作。 回顧國內外相關文獻,國內所發展的市區道路車流模擬模式已有部分涵蓋機車之車流行為之探討;而國外商用模擬器所提供的車流模擬功能,則是以一般車流行為進行車流車流行為之模擬。故本研究之主要目的,係先以微觀方式探討混合車流行為特性,再構建適用於市區道路之車流模擬模式。 本模式模擬範圍為T字形獨立路口,採用定時號誌,只處理小型車與機車。車流模擬由路段車流行為與路口介面車流行為兩部分銜接。路段車輛推進,以一般跟車行為、避禍煞車與變換車道行為處理;而變換車道決策因素,包含『轉向因素』、『前方車速率影響』兩項。路口介面乃以『黃燈進退兩難區』、『紅燈停等位置判斷區』方式處理路口介面行為。建立路段雙車道變換車道邏輯,與路段車流加減速率方程式,即完成市區道路車流發生車流行為模擬模式。 本模擬模式在所界定範圍內,可獲得合理的模擬結果;可應用於車流號誌控制系統等研究,將有助於車流管理領域之發展。而未來研究如能參考本研究所提出的車流模擬模式架構,再加入公車、行人、路口等修正內容,將可建立路網之車流模擬模式。 The major goal of traffic simulation is the prediction of traffic flow, which is the basic of traffic management. However, it is not easy to collect real-time traffic flow data. Thus, we adopt microscopic simulation approach for analyzing the traffic maneuvers. We consider the effect of the front vehicles in our model to simulate the inter-lane and intra-lane traffic maneuvers. In addition, we take the turning factor and the effect of front vehicle’s speed in lane changing decision-making rules into consideration. A logic red light traffic simulator is also accomplished for the cases of traffic light stops. This proposed simulation model is implemented in C programming language. This simulation model is calibrated and tested with video-based traffic flow data. Testing results indicate that this simulation model is able to adequately simulate microscopic traffic flow. It concludes that the proposed simulation model and relevant rules are essential for the development of advanced traffic flow detection and management systems and related techniques. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/70341 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |